Chapter 8... Not again

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You see Luna stand up and start walking towards you. At this point your heart was pumping. Did she recognize you? How would she know who you are? You have a helmet on. Nobody can see your skin.

She gets closer, and you notice that the wind started to pick up. Maybe you should warm sapphire.

Y/N: "Uh... M-Maybe we should walk around some more."

Sapphire: "Why do you say that?"

Y/N: "I... I just want to know this city you know? See what it has to offer."

Why didn't you just tell her the truth!? You can see Luna getting closer to you. She has to know who you are, and she most likely saw the news since it was literally all over the city

Sapphire: "Oh okay. Well I think there's a few stores that sell some neat stuff."

Y/N: "Yeah that sounds great! Let's g-"

Luna: "Hey!"

Oh shit... Ohh shit. This isn't good. Just act natural. Like you don't know who she is, but she might recognize your voice.. doesn't look like you don't have a choice now.

You slowly turn around to face her.

Y/N: "Uh... Hey?"

She gives you a weird look.. she probably recognizes you.

Luna: "I need to ask you something..."

Sapphire just stands behind you. She doesn't really know what's going on right now, but whatever she's about to ask can't be good.

Y/N: "What is it?"

You wait for her to answer you... If she tells just one person about who you are, then it may be over for you.

Luna: "Where did you get that helmet? It looks rad!"

You weren't expecting that... And who says "Rad" anymore?

Y/N: "Uh... I'm sorry, what?"

Luna: "I like your helmet. I want something like that."

You were kinda surprised by this.

Y/N: "Well, my friend here gave it to me."

You say while pointing to sapphire.

Sapphire: "Hi."

Luna: "Nice to meet you two! I'm Luna. What's your name?"

She really loves to meet new people it seems like.

Sapphire: "I'm sapphire, and this is-"

Y/N: "Ryan."

You had to interrupt sapphire before she told her your name. Sapphire looks at you confused for a moment.

Luna: "I'm glad I got to meet y'all. I need to go find me a helmet like that. Have a good day!"

She says before walking away. She was kinda strange, but she also seemed nice.

Y/N: "You too!"

You say back to her as she walks off.

Sapphire: "Why did you say Ryan?"

Sapphire whispers to you as Luna walks away.

Y/N: "I met her before. If she found out who I was, then me and you would be in trouble."

Sapphire: "Ohh.. so that's why you wanted to walk around."

Y/N: "Yup."

At least Luna didn't recognize you. That could've gone bad very fast.

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