Chapter 49... Shifting views

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You were following Sapphire inside of some book store after eating. Dome and Amber were talking about something as they wait to pay for their food.

You wanted to know what they were talking about, but you shouldn't get to involved with whatever it was they were talking about. Instead, you were focused on spending time with Sapphire and Densantra inside of some book store that Sapphire wanted to go to.

Y/N: "So what kinds of books do you read?"

You ask sapphire before she enters the small library.

Sapphire: "I'm fine with reading whatever, but mostly romance novels."

Y/N: "Romance huh?"

Sapphire: "Yeah, It's calming to me."

Sapphire turns to enter the book store. She opens the door, and you walk in right after she does.

The first floor of the little library was small, but still had shelves completely stocked full of many types of books. All of them were sitting in different categories.

Densantra: "I tried reading a few times. Could never really get that much into it though.. Not unless it has pictures."

You agreed with Densantra a little, but you didn't mind just reading words...


Sapphire: "I haven't had a chance to do much reading for a while."

Y/N: "I wonder why."

You say sarcastically.

Sapphire: "Yeah... But it's okay. I like my time with y'all."

Densantra: "How sweet."

Sapphire looks around at the books. You probably won't get a book, but you can look at what they have here.

The library was dimly lit, but was bright enough to see the letters on the book. While Sapphire slowly made her way towards the romantic section, you felt like you were being drawn towards the education section.

You wouldn't mind learning a bit more about this world if you can get the chance to.

You and Sapphire begin to split up. She was looking at the romance section while you were walking a little bit away from her. Densantra still followed you though.

Densantra: "Anything around here you think you might like?"

Densantra asks you as you browse the books in the shelves.

Y/N: "I probably won't get one, but I want to see if there's anything that could teach me more about this place."

You tell her.

Densantra: "You mean about this world?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Densantra: "Well you know I can always just tell you. Probably better than reading it right?"

Y/N: "I guess so."

Densantra: "Besides! I like to just talk... to you at least."

She was right. You could always just ask her about this world. She's always normally right next to you anyways.

Y/N: "Well in that case.. What made you so interested in drones in the first place?"

You ask her.

Densantra: "I'm not sure to be honest with the you. But I've always loved watching drone races with my sister."

Y/N: "You should ask her if she wants to watch one with you sometime."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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