Chapter 41... The mall

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I decided to have some fun and mention a few other writers in this one. Hope you don't mind, but I can remove your name for the writers I mentioned if you do not want your name in the story. Just let me know, and I'll remove it.

This is also a decently long chapter since my longer chapters are normally better than most of my other ones.. So I hope you enjoy!


You stood inside the small and dirty room inside this strange underground laboratory. You all stared at what was inside this room known as the, "Sedative room."

It was hard to believe what you were looking at. The rest of the room had dark cyan colored walls, a small bed in the corner which didn't look very comfortable at all, on the wall had a small yellow glowing sign that said, "Subject Putrid." And that was basically all that was in the room.

The only other thing that was inside the room was laying on the floor in the middle of the room. It smelled horrible, and looked horrible too.

The subject you were searching about earlier must've been called Subject Putrid judging but the small sign on the wall.. and putrid was a very fitting name...

On the floor of the room was what looked like it used to be a anthropomorphic wolf with missing fur on part of his body, like it was just falling off of him.

He had his eyes shut and some of his face was a... A unnatural dark brown color... It looked like his skin was rotting away. He also didn't wear a shirt, just orange pants. Which allowed you to see his incredibly skinny body. His ribcage was visible due to how skinny he was. It was like he had never had a good meal... Or at least not for a while.

The man was clearly dead, and has been for a good bit of time now.

Sapphire: "W-What the fuck!?"

Sapphire says as she stared at whoever this man was supposed to be.

Densantra stood beside you as Amber walks into the room.

Amber: "What? Find something interest-"

Amber stops in the middle of her sentence as she sees the rotting corpse in the room.

Amber: "O-Oh..."

You knew this place has been abandoned, but you had no idea what they left behind here.

Dome: "Something tells me he's not just sleeping."

Densantra: "W... Why is..... Who..."

Densantra sounded absolutely baffled by this, and so were you.

Sapphire: "How long has he been here!? Did... Did they kill him?"

Sapphire tries to understand why this man would be here... But you already think you've pieced together everything you need.

Despite the fact that you were staring at a rotting corpse of a man who was innocent for all you know, you think you have a pretty good idea of what happened here.

Y/N: "They didn't kill him... They left him here to rot."

Sapphire: "W-Why would they do that!?"

You look at the corpse. There was no dried up blood or anything anywhere in the room, not even on the small, thin blanket on the bed. Meaning that if they did kill him.. then they must've injected him with something that would be enough to kill him.

And you think you know what they injected him with... But it wasn't something lethal. You remember that in some old papers you were reading earlier, that they were going to inject something called the prototype into the subject.

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