Chapter 35... Riot

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You saw nobody except for Poly walking towards you with some kind of stick weapon with a blue glow. Poly ignored the chaos behind him and the other police officers that needed help with dealing with the riot. Poly changed his priority over to you.

Densantra pulls you back behind the wall.

Densantra: "Alright! Time to go!"

This guy just can't leave you alone. Poly always seems to be just around every corner. In this case, he was literally just around the corner.

Amber: "Good to see that he cleaned up the paint I shot at him."

Densantra: "We have to leave!"

Dome: "Do we though?"

Densantra looks at Dome in disbelief.

Densantra: "What!? Of course we do! We can't just fight him head on!"

Amber: "Why do you think we're trying to make a EMP? It's the only way we stand a chance Dome!"

Dome sighs.

Dome: "Look, over here."

Dome speed walks down the street so they can get away from Poly.

You could hear the yelling in the background, and you constantly checked behind your back.

Dome: "He has one of those electrical batons that you said we needed right?"

Amber: "Yeah?"

Dome turns into a nearby Alleyway, and you quickly follow him. This way Poly doesn't see where you went, which should give you some more time to think of something.. But he's obviously going to look for you.

You saw Poly takedown like three different people at once. Granted, they all attacked at different times instead of going at him at the same time. But you remember Poly also got attacked by a entire group of people, and he's still here perfectly fine. Just a few dents in his armor is all.

Dome: "Well... Now is our chance to get one! No need to go to some police station or anything."

Amber: "Dome, Poly is a Riotgen. He's a robot. He's not just going to let go of the baton that easily!"

Dome: "I know, but... It's worth a shot."

Sapphire: "It might get us killed! And how do you even plan to fight Poly?"

Dome: "Amber, you shot Poly with the paintballs in your drone right?"

Amber: "Yeah, but that can only do so much."

Dome: "It can do enough. First! We blind Poly with those big Paintballs I mean, and then we just have to damage his hand in some way so he drops the baton!"

Densantra: "You make that sound so easy."

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm not sure about this."

It wasn't just Poly. There were plenty of other police that were dealing with the riot that was currently happening. Some of them might come in to help Poly. Not to mention that Poly has more than just a baton, he has a gun. That's what he used at the tech competition when he got swarmed by all of those people.

Sapphire: "Yeah Dome, this isn't a good idea."

Dome: "It's a perfect idea."

As Dome talks, you walk down to the other side of the alleyway.

Dome: "We just have to damage his hand somehow so he drops the baton. Besides! What can he do is he can't see?"

Densantra: "Shoot around aimlessly."

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