chapter 2... A bad feeling

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Y/N: "Wha...What the shit?"

You wake up in some Alleyway. It's raining down hard and in the distance you can see neon light shining.

Y/N: "Uh... Where.. this can't be my city, right?"

You you felt confused about what was going on. You didn't know what to think. You walk out of the alleyway and see a road, but no cars.. or people.

It is dark and rainy, so it made since why no one else would be out right now, but you needed to figure out where you are. Worst case scenario, you have to buy a plane ticket back home. That still sucks, but it doesn't seem like you have much of a choice.

In the distance was more of the city lit up by neon lights. It was beautiful to look at... But you can focus on that later.

You should probably find some shelter, otherwise you're going to get a cold from the rain.

You begin walking down the street, looking for a place to stay. You walk past a few places like a bar, a little shop that sells plants, one looked like a pizza place.. but it was closed unfortunately.

You continue walking and you walk pass a hologram sign... Wait a minute..
You turn back around to see something that looks like a hologram, like something you would see in a futuristic game. You can even put your hand through it.

Y/N: "How have I never heard of these? I didn't know holograms were a thing now too."

You were shocked that this kind of thing wasn't more popular. The hologram sign showed a picture of what appeared to be somebody in a fursuit with "Wanted" underneath his head. It looked like a grey wolf. The hologram showed a picture of the man.

 The hologram showed a picture of the man

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Y/N: "If he's wanted... Then you would think they would have a picture of his actual face."

It was kinda weird how they only had a picture of a wanted man wearing a fursuit of some sort, but whatever. It looked like a pretty expensive fursuit.

You continue walking, and you see more of those hologram signs everywhere. Some of them were even on buildings. You really felt like you were walking in the future, but you still need to find a place to stay.

As you walk, you see a lot of places that are closed. You needed to find someone, but who in the right mind would be out here in the rain at night? Especially if there's a wanted criminal out here somewhere.

You're starting to wish you never went through that teleporter. Look at where it got you. Sure, the city looks cool.. but you don't even know where you are. You need to hurry and find some shelter, before you come across a drug dealer or God forbid a murderer.

You continue walking for a little bit. It's safe to say the you're probably going to have a cold. Eventually you finally see someone standing on the side of the road. About time.

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