Chapter 12... Low profile

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You've been walking for a while now. The sun will be going down soon, and you still haven't found a good spot to hide out.

You're lucky no cop cars drove past. Even with your face partially covered, they might still recognize your clothes.

You're trying to keep your head down as much as possible.. but you still wonder what happened at that building earlier.

Poly just left the room in the middle of a interrogation. It's almost suspicious how easily you were able to leave without getting spotted, but you're sure the news will talk about it later.

It's probably important that you pay attention to the news, but you also need to find a place to stay at before the sun sets.

You're worried about Densantra and Sapphire. A part of you wished you went back to find them... But you know that would only cause more trouble. For now, just focus on one thing at a time. Just find a place to stay.

You could try a motel, but you remember that you can't pay. On top of that, you can't show your face.. so you already look like a suspicious figure.

You're going to have to love like a homeless person for now. It's gonna suck, but you don't have a choice.

You're not at all familiar with this part of the city. You look around and you notice that this place you walked into actually looks a lot different from the rest of the city. You didn't notice it earlier because you were to busy thinking about the situation.

This place didn't have a lot of hologram signs or massive TVs on the buildings. It was actually kinda empty. No cars, no people, it feels like a ghost town.

It had trash littered all over the streets and Alleyways. The rest of the city didn't really have as much trash as this.

Why did this place look so different? It almost reminded you of home. Kinda like you were actually back home... But you knew you weren't.

You look up and see a bridge that runs over the this part of the city. Maybe you can find a place to stay underneath it.

You walk to the bridge and eventually get under it. Whatever this place was... It had a very uneasy feeling about it.

It was just so different from the rest of the city.. and it was weirdly empty. Like no one ever walks here.

This place obviously wasn't as clean as the rest of the city. Maybe there's just not as many people that live here.

You look around for a safe place you can rest in. You weren't going to have a lot of choices considering what's going on, but you had to find something decent.

 You weren't going to have a lot of choices considering what's going on, but you had to find something decent

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(Ignore the dog.)

You look around and see a barrel, but the barrel had a fire in it. Someone has to be around here somewhere. Somebody must have started a fire in the barrel, but you didn't see anyone.

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