Momo x reader - Beaches

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448 words

You can probably guess where I am right now, based around a few beach/coastal themed stories. Hey, as long as it's inspiration! Enjoy the story!


As the summer sun rays hit your face with warmth, you inhaled a deep breath, seasoned with the fine salty mist of the deep ocean, something you'd yearned to sense after all these years. Being trapped under the confines of the Walled City was pure torture, even worse when the ancestors left postcards and Polaroid photos, acting as a tease to your dreams. Yet, here you are, at last, feeling the soft golden sands under your feet.

A broad smile spread across your face as this dream had finally become true. Your joy could only increase as...

"Y/n!" Momo called after you, as you spun to face him. He was smiling too, knowing you'd longed to be in a place like this. At this point, you lost count how many times you'd told your boyfriend about your dreams of finally going to the beach.

"Hey, dear! Isn't it just wonderful? It's everything I've ever wanted to see!!"

"Heh, yeah, it's beautiful... I can see why you wanted to go here" he said, looking around and jumping away from a nearby crab.
"Hey, what do you... Do here, exactly?"

"What we do is we relax, sunbathe, paddle in the ocean, eat ice cream and-" Momo chuckled a little, admiring your enthusiasm and sheer joy.

"I gather I get to do all of this with you?"

"I said we, didn't I?"

He chuckled again and pecked you gently on the lips, earning a twinge of pink across your face.
"Here, I'll set us up."

A short walk along the silky sands later and you two finally found the ideal spot: The sun leaking beams of light onto your body, the sound of waves gently rolling onto the shore, lulling you into a light doze. "I suppose a little nap wouldn't hurt, especially not in a place like this..." You thought, closing your eyes to fully indulge in the peace and tranquility that shrouded you into your own dreams.

A short while later, as the sun retreated behind dull grey clouds, your eyes fluttered open to feeling a distinct weight on you. Upon further inspection, it was Momo, laying next to you with his face resting on your chest. "Oh, sometimes he's just the most adorable being to exist..." You began to think. Unfortunately, your moment of doting over your loving boyfriend was short lived as your mind drifted to the small patters of rain against the parasol.

Gently lifting momo and the beach stuff into your arms, you heard a small thrum of content and a smile reached across Momo's face. As you matched his expression, you walked home in the drizzle, still comprehending the wonders of the beach.

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