Chapter 29

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What Camie realized next was that she hadn't let go of Black Gold's arm and she was now hugging her very close. Now that she could see the distance, she immediately raised her hands in a sign of peace:

"I am so sorry!"

She backed away so quickly that she almost fell and Black Gold grabbed her by the waist to stabilize her. Once sure that Camie wouldn't fall, she immediately let go and Camie was so ashamed that she preferred to jump off the roof for real.

"T-thank you."

Camie started looking around her to find something to talk about, anything:

"The sky is pretty isn't it?

-It really is."

But as she answered that, Black Gold didn't look away from Camie for a reason. This made our protagonist frown and she continued rambling:

"It's pink and orange. I really love those colors. Especially together. They are very pretty."

Black Gold slowly nodded, not daring to interrupt:

"What's your favorite color?

-I don't really have a favorite color. But if I had to choose one right now, it would be brown."

Camie frowned. She didn't expect such a boring color:

"Why brown?"

Having suddenly realized how judgy she sounded, she started panicking again:

"I mean, you can like any color you want. Brown can be very pretty I am sure. I just didn't expect you to say that color. Last time I passed a field and it was the cleanest brown I had ever seen. It was gorgeous."

Black Gold chuckled, still not looking away once:

"You are right. Brown can be gorgeous. I didn't realize how pretty brown was before this very moment."

Camie felt like she was staring at her eyes for way too long. Was she talking about her brown eyes? No that couldn't be it. Why would Black Gold compliment her eyes? She had gorgeous green eyes. Brown eyes would look plain next to hers. Not that she didn't like her eyes. Camie felt very satisfied with her appearance and she found herself charming but she wasn't at a hero's level either.


Black Gold didn't say anything, waiting for Camie to continue talking. The latter however couldn't take it anymore. She needed to leave. Right now. She couldn't take her gaze anymore:

"The attack should be over by now. I think we can go."

But Black Gold shook her head:

"I think we should stay a bit longer. It's safer. But if you are uncomfortable staying on the roof, we could get down and go somewhere else. Maybe... There is no pressure but if you would like, maybe we could go grab something to eat for example."

Camie shook her head:

"It's okay, I'm not hungry thank you."

Black Gold seemed disappointed but she didn't add anything. Camie knew that if Black Gold had been there, the attack would have been under control by now but now that she wasn't there she had no idea. Maybe they really did need more time. However Camie didn't have time to decide what to say when someone else appeared.

The first thing Camie felt was warmth. She didn't have time to see what had happened. She felt a very strong wind and heard someone land on the roof behind her. She got so scared that she screamed at the top of her lungs. She grabbed Black Gold's arm again and the latter quickly placed Camie behind her.

Camie couldn't see what was going on anymore but she could hear the newcomer laughing. Camie froze. She knew this voice. It reminded her of something. She came out from behind Black Gold and glanced at the familiar presence.

"That's where you have been hiding while I was doing all the work alone?"

Camie immediately recognized Phoenix. Even if she hadn't seen him in the visions or in the news, she would have recognized him by the red and orange suit. He really did look like a Phoenix, but with a lot of sequins.


Seeing Camie's head pop out from behind Black Gold made Phoenix smile:

"Is this lovely lady the reason why you didn't bother to come? Did I just interrupt your date? How rude of me..."

Black Gold stepped on the side to hide Camie again:

"Why are you here?

-I am very happy to see you too, dear partner. But I would have been way happier to see you ten minutes ago."

Black Gold crossed her arms:

"I was busy. Now if you'll excuse us..."

Black Gold tried taking Camie away but they didn't have time to move that Phoenix added:

"Why are you always so serious?"

He then bent towards Camie:

"Blink twice if you want me to save you. The two of us could have a really great time."

Camie frowned:

"I am having a lot of fun with Black Gold."

The two heroes froze.

"Are you sure? I won't offer twice.

-Yes. I love spending time with Black Gold. She is very entertaining.

-That isn't the word I would be using to describe her but judging by what happened today, it seems you have a good effect on our dear Goldy. Do you guys know each other in real life?"

Camie quickly shook her head:

"No. I don't know who she is and I don't have to. She is amazing.

-Is she better than me?"

Camie didn't hesitate a second:


Her honesty made Phoenix laugh:

"I like you."

This didn't seem to please Black Gold who placed herself back between the two:

"I will take her home. It's late."

And without adding another word, she turned back to Camie:

"May I?"

Camie nodded and Black Gold lifted her before leaving the roof, the dog following them thanks to her powers. Camie told Black Gold her address and the latter took her directly home before putting her back on the ground. Being in front of her door, Camie suddenly felt uncomfortable. She hated goodbyes. What should she say? She wanted to run away as usual but it was the first time that Black Gold didn't show up for a villain's attack. She should make sure that she was okay:

"Are you... Hum... Do you regret staying with me?"

Black Gold quickly shook her head:

"Never. But I hope you didn't regret either. I am afraid that today was very hectic for you.

-No, it's okay."

Camie tried leaving but after a second she turned back towards Black Gold:

"You don't have to feel guilty. I told you that everything would be fine. They didn't need you, did they?"

Black Gold smiled:

"You were right. I am glad I listened to you."

Camie felt her heart make something weird and she started playing with her fingers. Seeing that she was going to run away, Black Gold quickly added:

"I would love to see you again if that is fine with you. But don't worry, I won't take you anywhere too high. I wouldn't want to die at your hands."

Camie immediately remembered what she had said in her panic rant and she felt her cheeks grow red:

"I didn't mean it! I am sorry! I was just very scared and..."

Black Gold started laughing:

"Don't worry. I thought it was cute."

[GL] Black GoldWhere stories live. Discover now