Chapter 4

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"I'm not a stalker."

Said Camie, hiding in the bushes while staring at Amaltheia. She really didn't mean to spy on the super hero and just happened to be passing by and thinking about the visions when she heard Amaltheia's voice close by. The second she heard it, Camie panicked and jumped into a bush for some reason. As a result, now she couldn't get out until Amaltheia was gone and the bushes were a very uncomfortable place to stay. Especially because the leaves couldn't stop tickling Camie. She had to think of something else therefore she just stared at Amaltheia, waiting for her to leave.

Amaltheia (let's call her Théa because it's too long to write) was walking with her best friend, Lula, and was talking about the recent attack of villains. Lula was a rather small person with light brown curls and really pretty teeth. Because of the visions, Camie knew that Lula was in media studies and was therefore obsessed with the attacks and the identity of Black Gold as well as her enemy partner, Phoenix. Lula believed that Black Gold and Phoenix were dating in real life and would disgust Amaltheia with her fanfictions about the two of them. Poor Théa.

Camie frowned seeing the two of them together. Lula wasn't a good friend. She was supposed to be the perfect best friend and Théa never got mad at her or never held grudges against her but Lula wasn't better than anyone else. She wasn't there for Théa in her darkest moments! No one had been or would be or would have been there for her! And this was making Camie's blood boil. She had never talked to Théa except for that one time she had bumped into her but she couldn't help feeling sad for her. Théa deserved so much better... She was the biggest hero to exist and all she was getting as thanks was people asking more of her.

Théa deserved all the happiness in the world but it seemed people believed they were entitled to being protected by her. Of course Camie didn't say anything to Théa about Lula because it would have been weird. Imagine a stranger coming up to you and telling you that your best friend would betray you and that you wouldn't be mad at her when you deserved way better people around you. Moreover, imagine that stranger to be the girl who ran away screaming a few days prior. No. Camie couldn't do this. She thought that she should forget about the visions. She couldn't talk about them after all and she didn't have powers so she couldn't help the heroes either. All she had to do was forget and move on.

But that was without counting on seeing Théa everywhere she went. Camie thought she was being followed at this point. When Camie went to the cafeteria, Théa was there. When she went to the park, she was there, to the library, there... She was everywhere and Camie couldn't forget about the visions at all if she was following her around this way.

When she would see Théa she would think about how big of a hero she was and how much happiness she deserved. She would get frustrated seeing that strong person lowering her head in shyness and she would have to push back the urge to grab her chin and force her to look up. When she saw Lula on the other hand, she couldn't help fuming and thinking that Théa deserved a way better friend. But Lula was almost Théa's only friend because of how shy and reserved Black Gold was in real life. Camie didn't understand this. How could the strongest person alive be this introverted? She should be running around town and forcing her will on everyone.

Camie was staring so much that even her friends noticed at some point. As the four of them were sitting near the football field, Théa and Lula appeared and as usual Camie started staring. Seeing Théa's face turn completely red reminded Camie that Théa had a huge crush on the Uni's Prince: Firo White. She had completely forgotten about that part, focused on Black Gold's powers and personality. Firo was none other than Phoenix but neither of them knew that the partner that they hated with all their hearts was in the same University as them. They were enemies to lovers and friends to lovers at the same time. Or was it enemies to friends to lovers? Camie didn't know at this point.

Camie looked at Firo with a frown. She had no idea why people liked him so much. He wasn't ugly and he did have very pretty feminine looks but that was all. He had a lot of messy blond hair and big blue eyes. His teeth were perfectly white and aligned and he had the right amount of muscles according to magazines. He was a bit smaller than other guys but it didn't seem to bother his fans. He wasn't especially smart or funny. He was nice and respectful however and he was the second biggest hero of all time but no one knew that.

"Who are you looking at?"

Camie jumped, having forgotten that her friends were with her.

"Is there a guy that you like?"

Topiary straightened up immediately:

"Camie likes a guy? Who?

-A guy? asked Nylora."

Camie quickly shook her head:

"No. I was looking at her actually.


-You guys know her?

-Everyone knows her.

-Oh really? How come?

-Everyone calls her the everyday Black Gold. She always gets out of her way to help people. If she wasn't that shy and self conscious, people would think that she is the real Black Gold."

This made Camie smile sadly. Why was Théa such a good person? She had to think about herself more. While Camie was staring at Théa, Nylora smirked:

"But most of all everyone knows her because she has a huge crush on Firo."

Camie frowned:

"How does everyone know that?"

Topiary rolled her eyes:

"You're the only one who doesn't know. She blushes and goes clumsy when Firo is around.

-But Théa isn't the only one to have a crush on him."

Emma shrugged:

"But not a lot of people know Firo personally. Amaltheia is one of his only friends because they are in the same class."

Camie grumbled:

"They are not even that close... They just exchange formalities."

This made Emma laugh:

"How would you know that? You didn't even notice them before now.

-I did!

-Oh really? When?

-I... It's not important."

Camie's friends laughed. They all knew that Camie was way too caught up in her own world to care about the people around her.


Camie turned towards where Nylora was pointing and she could see Firo waving at Théa before she went red from head to toe and started fidgeting. Seeing her friend all red made Lula smirk and She pushed her closer to Firo. Camie didn't like that. Don't force her if she doesn't want to talk to him! Don't force her to do anything she doesn't want.


Our main character noticed that she had just jumped up and quickly sat back down.

"Nothing. I just had pins and needles. Let's move on."

Her friends exchanged a puzzled look, before shrugging and changing topics. Camie didn't listen to them however and continued staring at Théa from afar. Firo had gone back to his training by then and Théa was hiding behind Lula, ashamed.

"Camie, don't you have class?"

Camie didn't even check the time and stood up. As she was walking towards her building she passed by Théa and couldn't refrain from tapping her shoulder. Both Théa and Lula turned to Camie with a frown and the latter could even feel her friends staring at her in disbelief.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you. I just wanted to say that you look really cool. Don't ever doubt yourself. Have a nice day."

And just like that she walked away without giving Théa time to say anything.

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