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Daniel POV: I honestly was very confused when I was looking at my little ones, Tyron had told me that I was going to have twins, but I ended up having quadruplets, I asked him about this and he said that sometimes in rare occasions two embryos can separate and make a second baby, or in this case two extra babies, and by the color of the eggs two are omegas and the other two, one will be an alpha and the other will be a beta, I am honestly very happy but also very nervous, luckily Alice, Tyron and the kids have all agreed to help me.

Alice says that it'll be good practice for her when she has her kid, Tyron did an ultrasound and says she's having twins, I giggle thinking of the memory of what happened, Darren stared at him then looked at the monitor, then his eyes rolled back and he fell backwards, passing out.

Strangely enough a few days ago, after the second and third empress incident, Tyron left for some reason, but wanted me to do a check on my household members and guards, when I did I discovered some kind of secret spying spell, with a teleport spell added to it but it only activates when they're in immediate danger, when I told tyron about it he looked like he was putting things together, then suddenly he said he had to leave, I tried calling him a few hours after and he kept saying the same thing over and over again.

He kept saying that he had to stop them, I had no clue who he was talking about, I tried to ask but he said that he would take care of it and hung up, then the next day I went to his place and found him asleep at his desk, I woke him up and he said that he fell asleep working so hard, I tried to ask him about our conversation and he said that he couldn't remember a thing, he must've been working really hard, so I helped him to bed and told him to take the day off and rest,

He agreed but not without a fight, he kept saying he was okay but I wouldn't budge, so he stayed home and slept, I had one of my household members who had some medical knowledge take over for Tyron at his clinic for the day.

"Are you sure you'll be okay Michael? I'd be happy to help you." I offered, "I'll be fine, my mom was a doctor and she taught me all types of medical things, and if I need any help I can just ask the staff who work there." He says confidently, I send him on his way but I tell him to call me if anything happens, and he agrees,

I decided to go do some shopping and errands, I get all the food we need for the next month and little snacks for me and the kids, plus more laundry supplies and toiletries, and as I'm buying everything I decided to get new back to school things for the kids, since school starts in a month anyway,

I get the most adorable backpacks for the girls and cool looking backpacks for the boys, Lyle and Riley, asked me once if boys could wear nail polish, I frowned at them in confusion, i told them "Anyone can wear whatever they like and dress however as long as they're comfortable with themselves and happy," they smiled at me and then I asked them where this was coming from, they told me that since they know they're omegas that one day they'll end up with a dominant male, they accepted it,  Lyle even said Lance and Cody accepted it, but they both felt like they wanted to dress a little different than others, I asked Lyle and Riley if they wanted to start dressing a little more feminine and they said no but they both wanted to try wearing a little bit of makeup and wanted to see how painted nails would look on themselves.

I told them that if that was something they wanted to do then I was going to support them all the way, so now I'm in line at the store buying these nail different color polish and some eyeliner and makeup for the girls and a little bit of extra makeup and nail polish for Lyle and Riley,

As I'm driving home I start thinking about that spell, the one that was placed on Michael and the other household members, I removed it immediately but I can't help but wonder who put the spell on them to begin with? And then it hits me, who would be the one person who would want to spy on me the most? Besides my sister, family, Jason and Victoria, who by the way are demanding I hand over the eggs to them, I dared Jason to come and get them, but with my guards, and Darren who wants to rip him apart, he's too scared, my father tried to take the eggs once, he snuck in but the protection spell I placed on the eggs immediately sent him flying, when I heard the noise I found him on the floor,

When he saw me he tried to run but I froze him with my ice breath, I then mystically sent him to his castle, mom must have quite the shock seeing her husband frozen.

As I park the car in the garage and go into the foyer, I take the elevator up to my suite, and once inside I go to my room and hop in the shower, after that I put on fresh clean clothes and go downstairs to make dinner, as I finish the food the kids come in, I have them wash their hands and we eat in peace,

After dinner I have the kids take their showers, get into clean pajamas and I talk with Lyle and Riley, I give them their makeup and nail polish, but I make them promise to tell me if someone messes with them at school, I don't care if it's a classmate or a teacher, whoever messes with them to tell me immediately, I don't care if they have to go to the principal and have him call me,

The second someone messes with them let me know, and I told all the kids the same thing, I also told them to watch out for each other, they all agreed, and the girls have started teaching Lyle and Riley how to apply makeup and nail polish and how to remove it, Lance and Cody said they wanted to paint their nails too, said it looks cool and they like the way the nail polish looks on their fingernails, so I helped Lance, Cody, Lyle, Riley and the girl's with their nails, then after our impromptu makeup party I sent them to bed and tucked them all in.

As the day was ending I drifted off to a peaceful slumber, thankful that today was a quiet day.

Third person POV: Council members Andares and Rogan are running from the council hall, they head to the forest to give them cover, "We need to warn everyone!" Rogan pants out, just then a blast of energy hits them knocking them off their feet, as they turn around they and Darren and his brothers are behind them, they knew something was odd about some of the council members, more and more of them started acting strange, until only they remained, when the emperor came to the council headquarters they thought it was odd, but for some reason Tyron and the others acted like they were expecting it,

"Emperor Stoneright we weren't expecting you this late in the evening, the council was just about to leave," Andares said, Darren just smiled kind of evilly at them, they both started backing away and prepared for anything he could do to them, "I do apologize about the late call but you two are the only ones left who aren't under our control, and we need all of you to help us bring back our father Loden Stoneright, so if you'll just cooperate we can get this over with quickly." They both stared at him wide eyed and fearful, the moment he said Loden they immediately knew who Darren was talking about.

They looked at the other council members and realized they were being controlled, "So you're Lodens children? Well your Daddy is going to be staying right where he is," Rogan said as he inhaled, "poison fog!" He said as he exhaled and a green cloud spewed from his mouth, it was a knock out gas, he didn't want to hurt the other council members, as everyone was coughing and soon passed out, Darren was prepared, he created a barrier around himself, and as the cloud disappeared he noticed they were gone, "You're only delaying the inevitable." He sighed as he followed their trail outside, fast forward to now,

As Rogan and Andares get up they quickly shift into their dragons, and both release giant roars, but the brothers have no time for this, Darren snaps his fingers and a huge pillar of flame hits them both it's so powerful they're both in tremendous pain, as the pillar of flame disappears they both fall from the sky and writhe in pain on the forest floor below, as they try to get up chase and Darren grab them by the throats and hold them down, they struggle but it's no use, they're both too wounded.

Chase comes up to them and places his hands on them both, and he uses his magic on them, all the forest can hear their screams, and soon it becomes quiet again.

Darren and his brothers use their magic to fix everything and ensure that no evidence is left behind.

"Now we have full control of the council, we're ahead of schedule, in three and a half months our father will be free and the dragon race shall kneel before the true emperor." Darren and his brothers smile at this as they head home, then the next morning Andares and Rogan, wake up in their homes with no memory of what happened, all the while being secretly under Darren and his brothers thumb.

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