Chapter 20

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I managed to find my way out the back door of the school and leaned up against the school wall as I let myself sink down onto the grass.  I couldn't go back to history class, not without falling apart.

I was sat there for about ten minutes before a shadow suddenly cast down over my figure.  I expected to find Scott there, but when I looked up, I met Jay's eyes, and I something about his presence brought an eerie calm to my mind.

"You going to be alright?" he quizzed as he sat down, cross legged in front of me "that was quite a scene you caused back there."  I pursed my lips, causing my eyes to the side.

"It's complicated Jay" I sighed "you wouldn't understand."  I felt him pick up my hand with his warm one, but I didn't feel the urge to pull away like usual.

"What wouldn't I understand about you and our history teacher dating, about your nasty break up" he offered and I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I don't know-" I started, but he cut me off.

"You can stop the act Stiles, I won't tell anyone what happened between you.  That's your secret, not mine" he explained "besides, it's not like I can really blame you at all, Mr. Hale does have his certain appeals... though to be honest I think you can do much better.  You deserve someone who won't hurt you the way he does."  I shivered as he brushed a soft hand over the bandage on my cheek.

I sat there, unmoving as I looked at Jay's soft features.  His messy brown hair hanging over his clear eyes.  I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize he was leaning in until his lips were brushing mine.  And it felt so right, but yet something under the surface just scratched at my brain as his lips moved against mine.  Something that just didn't feel quite right, but I pushed it away, not wanting to deal with anything complicated.  I just wanted to live in the moment, in the rightness of it.

So I kissed him back.



I flinched, my eyes glued shut as I waited for the slicing pain in my chest.... but it never came.  I fluttered my eyes open slowly only to see Chris, holding his knife inches from my chest.  I slowly drew my eyes up to his face and he had a conflicted look.

"You don't know how much I want to kill you, to kill you after all the shit you've put this town through" he muttered, and I just sat there trying my best to keep my mask of calm.  My thoughts still wandering to how upset Stiles must be at the moment.  Part of me hopes he's not hurting, that I'm not the cause for his pain.  But then some of me hopes he is heartbroken, because that would mean that at least he cares.

"Then why don't you?" I finally quiz, daringly.  I heard him take a frustrated deep breath, before lowering his knife.

"Because as much as I hate to admit it... I need your help with the vampire coven.  Your help and Derek's" He explained bitterly.

"What?  A few scrawny pale pests a little too much for you to handle, Argent?" I snickered and he scowled at me.

"I can handle the vamps easily" he offered "I just can't seem to pin point their hide away.  Normally I'd just keep searching before enlisting the help of werewolves, but the longer it takes me, the worse the problem gets."

"And what's so bad that you need my help?" I delved.

"They're siring humans" he explained "They're using their sires to turn make the hunt easier."

"How do you mean easier?" I quizzed.

"Do you not understand a sire bond?" he stated desperately "They feed a human their blood, creating the sire bond.  The human will basically do anything their vampire sire tells them.  Kill, rape, lure in the victims.  Their like mindless puppets to the coven..."  I stopped listening as a horrifying thought came to my mind.  Jay's bloody wrist in Stiles mouth when I rescued him.

"Stiles" I murmured in horror and quickly began pulling against the restrains.

"Let me out!  I need to stop him!  I need to stop the bastard from hurting Stiles" I practically screamed.  Chris didn't hesitate in grabbing his gun from the hook and undoing my bindings before running after me as I led the way.


I rushed all the way back to the school, following Stiles scent to the back of the school only to catch the strong scent of Jay mixed with it.  I spun in all directions, not able to catch a scent, but knowing exactly where they had went.

"Damn it" I groaned "call back up, I'll call Derek.  We're going into the nest."


Hey guys, sorry it's been so long.  Here's another update.  I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try and update again really soon.  Thanks for reading!  ^_^

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