Chapter 19

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I was back at school on Monday, dragging my feet in sleepiness.  I had just opened my locker, when Scott ran up slamming it shut and looking me in the face with a concerned look.

"Dude, what the hell happened to you Friday?" Scott demanded "I tried calling you're dad and he told me you had disappeared Thursday and part of Friday.  He was freaking out and frankly so was I?"

"I ran into a few problems?" I stated as more of a question than an answer "Look, I'm fine okay?"

"What the hell man, are you kidding me?" he snapped, but I could tell his anger was out of worry just like my dad's was.

"Look, all you need to know is that I had a few problems, but I got through them" I offered "I'm alright Scott, so you don't have to worry anymore."

"Was it Davy?  I swear to god if it was Davy-"

"It wasn't Davy, Scott" I sighed "look, if you really want to know..."  I trailed off as I was about to tell him my walking through the woods excuse.  One because I couldn't find it in myself to lie to him, and secondly because I knew he wouldn't believe me if I did.

"I was visiting that guy I was seeing, I was worried about him and I needed to check on him to get a piece of mind" I shrugged.

"And you were gone over night?  Did you.... Is that why you told your dad that you were walking through the woods?" he quizzed.  So my dad had told him the forest story?

"No, I didn't do anything with him Scott" I stated embarrassedly "I actually ended things with him.  I just.... he has a temper.... I just don't think I can deal with his temper so I ended it."  My heart hurt talking about the breakup.

"Is that.... Is that what the bandage is from?" he asked in soft concern.  There was a long pause before I replied.

"Look Scott, it's nothing.  I have to get to class, Okay?" I pushed passed him and started hurrying off to Mr. Hale's class, but that didn't stop Scott from trying to follow me.

"Stiles, please!  We need to talk about this!" he insisted in a yell from behind me.

"At lunch Scott!  I'll tell you everything at lunch, I promise" I shouted back at him and turned down the hall away from him and to Mr. Hales room. 

I pushed into the room, only to have my steps falter at the sight in front of me.  Peter's desk was covered in boxes full of papers and other person items.

"Pe- Mr. Hale" I quickly corrected myself "what's going on?"  He didn't answer me and a few seconds later the bell rang as the rest of the students flooded in.

"Hello Students" he greeted as I finally took my seat at the back of the room "Today will be my last day teaching you.  I am officially resigning from my position as History teacher.  It's been nice teaching the class, but it's time for me to move on."  He sounded sullen and something about his words pulled at my heart.  I really shouldn't care about him after everything, but something inside of me just snapped.

"What do you mean you're resigning!" I yelped, shooting up from my desk, my body slightly shaking in sadness.

"I'm dropping my position, Mr. Stilinski" he offered "certain... issues have come up and I've decided that it would be best for me to resign."

"But you-  But you-" I stuttered but couldn't seem to get the words out.  I watched Peter's face fall as if my words were causing him sadness.

"Well, Mr. Bradbury will continue teaching this class until they find a permanent teacher to fill my position" Peter offered, breezing over my outburst and it was at that point I finally noticed the bald teacher from down the hall entering the room.

"Hello class, I'll be your new teacher for the time being" the bald man stated as I slowly sank back down into my chair in disbelief.

"Goodbye class" Mr. Hale spoke up and I couldn't bring myself to look up and watch him leave, but I had the feeling he was hoping I would.  Mr. Bradbury began pacing and talking about something but I couldn't care as I shot up from my seat and raced out of the room.  I whipped my head both ways before I caught sight of Peter strolling toward the front of the School.

"Peter!" I yelp, sprinting after him and he spun around in time for me to stop a few feet from him.  I took a deep breath, looking around before speaking up.

"I-I was wrong" I choked out "You were angry but I never gave you a chance to explain."  There was a hint of begging in my voice and he just cast his eyes down before pursing his lips and looking back up at me with a sad look.

"No Stiles, you were right" he whispered "it wouldn't have worked out anyway."  I felt my heart sink as he turned away and began walking from me and suddenly my mouth was opening before I could think.

"You're not my teacher anymore!" I blurted desperately and his steps faltered before he made his last statement.

"I'm sorry Stiles" he whispered, and continued on out of the school.



I hated it.  I hated walking away from him like that.  When he was finally willing to let me explain.... but I had to.  I couldn't drag him back into a relationship with me right before I was about to turn myself in to a hunter to be slaughtered.

My heart squeezed tighter with every step I took away from the school and I took off toward The Argent Household.  I willing walked into his garage where he was waiting for me.

"You kept your word" Chris stated in surprise.

"I made a promise" I offered, hanging my head, and silently hoping Stiles knows how sorry I am.


Hey guys, so there is chapter 19.  I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try and update again really soon!  Thanks for reading.

P.S. What do you think is going to happen to Peter?  What do you think is going to happen with Jay?  Find out in the next chapter!  ^_^

Respecting Mr. Hale (Steter) (Stiles/Peter)Where stories live. Discover now