Chapter 14

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It had been a week since the incident with Jay and he hadn't been at school since.  Not to mention that Peter hadn't been here for the past few days either.  I was bored out of my mind with no one to talk to in my classes, and I was starting to get worried.

Peter had been acting weird after that small fight with that guy and now he hasn't been back at school since.... Maybe I can go and make sure he's okay after school.  I mean, I do know where his apartment is after that whole incident with my cousin.... 

I shook my head as the final bell rang.  I threw my bag over my shoulder only to have my calculator go skidding across the floor.  I groaned and was about to go fetch it when a muscular tanned hand grabbed it up off the floor.  I looked up only to see Scott standing there with a sad smile.

"Are you okay dude?  You've been acting a bit strange all week" he pointed out as he held the calculator out for me.  I quickly grabbed it from him and stuffed it in my bag.

"Just a bit frustrated is all" I sighed as I began to walk with Scott out of my algebra class.

"Why, what's been going on?" he quizzed, then his brow furrowed angrily "have there been people giving you crap about you being gay?  Cause I swear I'll kill them."

"No, Scott.  No one is giving me crap" I sighed, calming him down "Besides, I haven't even really come out yet so if you could be a little quieter when talking about that, that'd be great."

"Sorry, but if it's not that, then what's been going on?" he asked concerned.  I bit my lip as I tried to decide what to start with.

"Well for starters" I began, pulling Scott over to my locker so I could put some books away before we left "I haven't seen Pe- I mean, the guy I've been dating, in a week."

"How come?" he quizzed.

"I don't know" I shrugged "I've tried texting him but he hasn't responded.  I even tried calling once."  I frowned a bit nervously.

"Hey, don't worry Stiles.  I'm sure he's probably just sick and hasn't been checking his phone or something" Scott reassured me.  I nodded, bitting my nail a bit.

"And it's not just that either Scott" I continued "I didn't tell anyone this because I didn't want to embarrass Jay, but he made a move on me the other day."

"Seriously?" Scott quizzed in shock "I didn't see that one coming."

"Yeah, but that's not what's got me on edge" I offered "What's got me on edge is that Jay hasn't been to school since that happened."  Scott furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Okay, that's a little strange.... but maybe he's embarrassed and just needs his space" he shrugged.

"Yeah, that's exactly what he said.... but I feel like it's more than that" I sighed "I just want to make sure he's okay and I feel like this is all my fault some how."  I finally finished stuffing my books in my locker and Scott and I began to head out to my jeep.

"Hey, it's not your fault if you're not into him" he offered "I'm sure he'll be okay."

"I guess" I sighed "but I still feel bad.  You should've seen his face."  Scott slung his arm over my shoulder.

"Well what can you say Stiles.  You're just utterly irresistible" Scott grinned at me.

"Oh really?  So does that mean that you are falling head over heels for me" I smirked at him with amusement.

"Oh I totally would babe" he grinned at me sarcastically "that is if you're hair was longer and you're name was Allison Argent."

"You're crushing on the new girl?" I quizzed, remembering some people mentioning a new girl this week.  All the jocks and popular guys are calling her hawt.

"What can I say?" Scott smiled dreamily "she's so beautiful, and she actually seems genuinely nice too.  Not some fake nice like most of the populars are around teachers."

"Well good luck with that" I chuckled as we both hopped in my jeep "have you completely forgotten the fact that we are nobodies.  We are literally off the charts in the school's popularity list, and I don't mean that in a good way."

"I'll find a way to get her to notice me.  I promise you that" he stated with a dorky grin.


It took about 15 minutes until we were at Scott's place.  I watched as he hopped out of the passengers seat and grabbed his bag before looking up at me curiously.

"Are you coming in?  Mom's bringing home pizza tonight to celebrate her new promotion she got yesterday" he offered.

"No, I uh, actually have something that I have to do" I informed him "rain-check tonight?"

"Sure, but you better not skip tomorrow" he insisted "mom's inviting you and you're dad over for pasta night.  I think it's Alfredo tomorrow."

"Will do, hotshot" I smirked at him and he shook his head at me as he retreated into his house.  I quickly pulled out of his driveway and took the 10 minute drive into town to where I remember Peter's apartment being. 

I eventually made my way there after driving in circles trying to find it.  I mean, it's an apartment building, you'd think it'd be easy to spot in such a small town.  I climbed out of my car and hurried toward the building to get out of the freezing cold wind.

I stood at the bottom of the stairs as I tried to remember the exact room number.  I know that his was on the second floor.  I'm pretty sure it was room 210... at least I hope it is.

I quickly took the stairs two at a time as I made my way up and down the hall to room 210.  I took a deep breath as I stood in front of the door.  Part of me thought I was intruding too much on Peter's life.  Though he did ask me to be his boyfriend, so I have a right to be worried when he disappears for a days... right?  I shook my head as I quickly knocked on the door.

"Peter!" I called through the thick wood of the door "Peter, are you in there?"  I bit my lip after he didn't answer for a few minutes.  Do I walk away and try again later or do I try and see if it's unlocked?  I mean, he might be hurt?  Though if he's hurt, then why doesn't the school seem too concerned.  I took a deep breath, I'm just going to do this.

I grasped the nob in my hand, completely expecting it to be secure, but the door just opened right up.  I froze for a second before taking a hesitant step into the room.  The sight of the room took me completely off guard.

Glass from a mirror was shattered to pieces near the door.  The coffee table looked as if it had explode with wood chips everywhere.  The apartment was just completely trashed.

"Peter?!" I called out a little more frantically as I quickly picked my way through the apartment looking in all the rooms but there was no sign of Peter anywhere.  I eventually made my way back to the living room, my heart pounding in my chest.  What the hell happened here?  I was about to try calling Peter's phone again when I caught sight of something that almost stopped my heart.

Blood.  There was a dry spot off blood on the wood a few feet from me.  It was only then that I noticed the bits of blood here and there throughout the apartment.  I was frozen.

Do I call the police?  Peter could be seriously hurt?  But if I call the police, how would I explain my being here in his apartment?  Peter could get in serious trouble for being involved with me.  I let out a deep breath, rubbing my hands over my face vigorously.  Then I decided to call the one person I could trust my life with.  I quickly dialed the number and held the phone to my ear until i heard his voice pick up.

"Scott, I really need you're help?" I begged and I heard Scott moving around on the other end.

"Whoa, what's going on Stiles?  Are you okay?" Scott quizzed suddenly alarmed.

"Yeah, I'm okay it's just-"

"Stiles?" I heard a familiar voice and I turned around to see none other that Peter staring back at me.

"You really shouldn't be here" he sighed, not able to look me in the eye...


Hey guys, so there is chapter 14.  I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try and update again really soon!  Thanks so much for reading!  ^_^        P.S. You're Awesome!

Respecting Mr. Hale (Steter) (Stiles/Peter)Where stories live. Discover now