Chapter 34

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We both sat on the couch in silence, unsure of what to say to the other.  My love life wasn't exactly the most fun conversation topic to have with my dad.

"I could have him arrested" My dad finally muttered softly, his back stiffening slightly.

"I'm seventeen dad... there aren't any laws against it if it's consensual" I pointed out in Peter's defense and I saw my dad visibly cringe at the idea.

"He has a criminal record" my dad insisted.

"He's made mistakes!" I snapped "he lost most of his family in a fire.  He was in a bad place."

"He's twenty four... almost twenty five" He whispered desperately.

"And I love him" I stated confidently "I don't know when, or how, but somewhere along the way I fell in love with him dad.  I'm sorry if your not okay with that, but I'm not going to stop loving him."  I watched him frown and I closed my eyes, standing up.

"I'm just going to go up to my room" I offered as I opened my eyes back up.  I made my way over to the stairs and dad didn't say a single word.


I'd been in my room watching movies on my lap top for hours.  I didn't even move from my bed until my dad's voice calling my name up the stairs along with the smell of lasagna brought me out of my room.  I made it to the bottom of the stairs and down the hall only to freeze at the entrance to the dining room.

Sat on the table was a delicious feast.  I bowl of dinner roles, a dish full of mashed potatoes, some corn on the cob, and a big dish of my dad's famous lasagna.  Sat at the table as my dad... and Peter.

"Um" I managed to utter "Peter?"

"I thought I'd invite him to dinner, so I did" Dad shrugged and I furrowed my eyebrows at him and cautiously approached the table sitting kiddy corner to my dad and across from Peter.  There was a heavy silences as we all served ourselves and started to eat our food.  I just pushed mine around the plate.  My stomach was churning with anxiety too much to eat.

"So, Peter, what is it you do for a living?" My dad finally spoke up with a clearing of his throat "do you do anything to support yourself or do you leach off the people around you?"  I widened my eyes at my dad's offensive interrogation.

"Dad!" I gasped, then turned to Peter "you don't have to answer that."

"No, it's fine Stiles" Peter assured me before turning back to my dad "Yes I'd been living with my nephew for a while, he was helping me get back on my feet after recovering from some injuries I sustained in the fire, but I've just recently moved into my own place.  I've even managed to find a job at the local grocer."  I watched as my dad tried to hide his frown at the obvious unwanted good answer.

"and how did you manage to get a job with your criminal record?" my dad pushed and I sent daggers at him with my eyes.

"Da-" I started but was cut off.

"I remained completely honest with my boss" he shrugged "my past isn't something I'm particularly proud of, but it's something I have to live with so the best I can do is be honest about it."  I crossed my arms in triumph that Peter was passing all my dad's questioning.

"And how many other underage kids have you had sexual relations with?" Dad threw out, obviously frustrated with the answers.

"Oh my god" I yelped in anger and embarrassment "I can't believe you are doing this.  I'm not going to sit here and let you tear this apart.  Come on Peter."  I held out a hand to Peter and he stood up, but didn't take my hand.

"I don't think that would be the best idea" he offered "I think it's about time that I headed home.  I'll see you later Stiles."  With that he gave me a quick hug, pecking a kiss on my forehead and slipping past me.  I stood there, an empty feeling my stomach before looking at my dad, and the slowly walking out of the room.

"Stiles, wait!" I heard his voice before I even reached the stairs.  I stopped to hear him out, but couldn't bear the idea of turning to face him right now.

"I'm sorry" He breathed "I took things too far."

"You think?" I groaned, spinning on him "you completely embarrassed me.  That was ridiculous."

"I only asked those questions because I don't want to see you get hurt" he offered "because I love you Stiles.  You're my son."

"Did you not here me when I said that I loved him too?" I finally whispered in hurt "he makes me happy.  If you don't want me to be gay just say it."

"What?" he blurted in surprise "don't want you to be gay?  Do you honestly think that matters at all to me?  I don't care whether you like guys or girls Stiles.  I just wish you'd date someone closer to your age."

"It's eight years dad" I offered.

"Eight years too much, Stiles" he begged and I frowned, biting my lip.

"It doesn't feel like eight years when I'm with him" I whispered and I saw the corner of my dad's lips twitching up slightly at my words.

"Well then why don't we invite him over for a real dinner tomorrow" he offered "I promise I won't interrogate him.  I'll really try to see him for who he is and not his age."

"Thanks dad" I murmured and his arms slowly spread wide in offering and I couldn't help but hug him.  I hated fighting with him.  We were all each other had left.

"I love you son" he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too dad" I mumbled into his shirt.


Hey guys, here's finally another chapter of Respecting Mr. Hale.  Sorry it's been so long, I've been super busy, but I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try and update again very soon!  Thanks so much for reading.  ^_^

Respecting Mr. Hale (Steter) (Stiles/Peter)Where stories live. Discover now