Chapter 5

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I sat back down at my desk in the front of the room after scolding Stiles and Jay for copying.  I couldn't help the upset feeling I got when I saw the way Jay looked at Stiles.  Though I have no idea, it's not like a care about Stiles or anything.

Realizing that I was staring at him, I forced my gaze down to the papers on the desk.  Of course it just so happened that it was the class list and my eyes were drawn to Stiles name.  Stiles.  I almost killed him last night.....

I remember everything.  The change from human to wolf.  Hearing the beat of Stiles heart from a mile away.  Attacking Stiles in the police parking lot...... I remember the fear on his face as clear as day.

Something about scaring him made me want to hurt myself and the worst part is that I can't even control it.  Ever since I had become an alpha I have been losing control during the full moon.  I just haven't cared about it until now.  Until Stiles.

I pushed myself off my chair as I tried shoving these ridiculous thoughts from my head.  I don't care about this boy.  I'm just being stupid.  He's just some idiotic student in my class.

If he's just some student, then why did you go to the hospital last night to make sure that he was okay? a voice in my head asked.  I growled, looking up in time to see Stiles tapping his pencil on the desk.  My eyes flickered to the clock signaling that there was only 5 minutes left of class.  I bit my lip as I looked back at Stiles.

"Stilinski!" I chanted "detention with me after school."  I watched Stiles jaw drop and his eyes widen in disbelief.

"For what?" he blurted daringly, but I could see the regret in his eyes as he said it.  I had to hold back a smirk that played at my lips.  Oh I could have some fun with this.

"For allowing Mr. Jay Parker copy your assignment.  What else?" I stated firmly.

"But that's not fair.  Jay was the one copying my assignment.  Shouldn't he be punished too?" Stiles demanded.

"Stiles!" Jay gasped in shock at being thrown under the bus by his new friend.  I could't hold back my smile.  Well serves you right Jay.

"Jay will be serving detention with Ms. Ally across the hall, but if you continue to back talk me, I can make it two" I threatened.  His lips pressed into a firm line as he sank back in his seat in defeat.

"That's what I thought" I smiled victoriously.  With that, the bell rang and the students began filing out.  As I watched Stiles slim, hunched figure leave I felt a dread fall over me.

Oh what have I gotten myself into this time?  I'm so going to be the death of me....



"He's evil Scott" I grumbled as we both left our last class of the day "Mr. Hale is evil."

"Well you did kind of let Jay copy your notes" Scott shrugged and I glared at him with an open mouth.

"Scott, you're my best friend.  You're supposed to be on my side" I gasped jokingly and Scott just gave his usual smirk.

"Look Stiles, all I'm saying is that you did break the rules.  I think Mr. Hale is just trying to be a responsible teacher" Scott shrugged.

"So you're saying he was just being a responsible teacher when he harassed me about the sylubus yesterday?" I mumbled "Yeah right.  He just hates me."  At this point we had just reached the outside of Mr. Hale's classroom.

"Look Stiles, just give it some time.  I'm sure that he's just anxious.  He is a new teacher to the school after all.  He's probably just trying to make a good impression with the school board" Scott offered.

Respecting Mr. Hale (Steter) (Stiles/Peter)Where stories live. Discover now