Chapter 1

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Imagine if Scott had never been bitten.  That Scott had convinced Stiles to stay in that night and their lives were never immersed in the supernatural.  Maybe thinks would've gone a whole lot differently.....

{STILES' POV} (Make sure to read paragraph above to avoid confusion)

"Stiles you're just being your normal paranoid self" Scott smirked, shaking his head as we made our way down the hall to first period.  First day of Sophomore year and still as boring as ever.

"I'm telling you Scott, they only found half the body last night.  They spent hours looking for the other half but couldn't find it" I explained throwing my hands in the air "How often does someone get killed and only half the body is found?  Somethings up with this case."

"Yeah, what's up with this case is that the police were woken up in the middle of the night to find a body Stiles" Scott sighed "they were tired, it was dark.  You told me earlier that they were going out looking again today and I'm telling you they'll probably find the body."  Scott began walking faster and I just stood their watching him.

"Scott!....... Scott!" I chanted in frustration "have you forgotten the fact that someone had to have killed her?!  Scott?!"  I let out a sigh as he continued on down the hall.  I turned the next corner to head to class when I ran right into someone and I went tumbling to the ground.

"Watch it Stilinski" Jackson sneered from above me, before continuing on down the hall.  I blew out a pent up breath before grabbing my bag from the floor beside me, when the bell rang.  Great, now I'm late too.

I hurriedly picked my self up off the ground and sped down the hall.  I made it to my classroom rushing through the door to be faced with the thirty some curious eyes on my late arrival.

"Ah, Mr. Stilinski.  We've been awaiting your momentous arrival" I heard from the front of the room and I turned to see a teacher who appeared to be new to the building "please, take a seat."  He seemed very annoyed with me, not that I blamed him.  My anxiety acting up from being the center of attention, I just nodded and made my way to an empty seat.

"Now as I was saying before Mr. Stilinski so rudely interrupted.  My name is Mr. Hale and I will be your teacher for History" the man in the front stated and I let out a huff, but I couldn't help but admire him.

 Dark brown wavy hair and light stubble.  His eyes were a bright blue green color.  Even the way that he carried himself around the classroom as he droned on was kind of hot..... not that I was attracted to him or anything.  I think....

"Mr. Stilinski?" Mr. Hale called on me and my eyes widened in suprised as I realized that I hadn't been paying attention to anything he'd been saying.

"Um, uh..... I'm sorry, what was the question?" I stuttered nervously.  He just pursed his lips at me with a knowing smile.

"And here everyone, is a perfect example of disrespect" Mr. Hale chanted loudly, then turned to me in a whisper "the question was what is my number one policy in this class, the answer is right on the sylubus.  Respect.  I suggest if you plan on doing well in my class, you should show me some respect by paying attention."  He tapped at the small sheet of paper laying on my desk that I was just now noticing.  The sylubus.  As Mr. Hale made his way back to the front he began talking once again.

"Now that most of you seem to understand my rules" he stated "it's time to pass out the text books."  The rest of the class consisted of writing our names in our books and reading chapter 9 silently.  I can confidently tell you that Mr. Hale isn't one of the most fun teachers.

I was completely relieved when the bell finally rang signaling the end of class.  I stood up from my seat stretching my arms up high, before grabbing my book and stuffing it in my bag.  I was almost to the door when Mr. Hale spoke up.

"Stiles, wait here for a second" he stated "I need to talk to you for a second."

"Oh so now were on a first name basis" I muttered to myself.

"What did I say earlier about disrespect Stiles" He scolded and I found my jaw dropping slightly.  How the hell did he even hear that, he would have to have super human hearing or something.

"Look Stiles, I know the first few days you kids think you can get away with anything" Mr. Hale sighed "but I will not stand for that in my class.  You will be on time to class and you will show me some respect."  By the end his face was practically inches away from mine and his breath hit my nose in a wave of minty sweetness.

"Understood?" he quizzed with a stern tone, his face still close to mine.  I forced myself to meet his eyes and it was then that I noticed something in them.  Was it...... lust?  Though that something was gone before I could really decide and he pulled away.

"I'm asking if you understand me" Mr. Hale stated, breaking me from my haze.

"Oh yeah, uh, I do" I stuttered.

"Good, then you are free to head to your next class" he sighed "I've already written you a note."  He handed me a small  yellow slip and I gave a quick nod before hurrying from the room.

Once I was a good ways down the hall, I leaned up against a row of lockers.  What's happening to me?


Hey guys, so I decided to make the one shot into the book.  This is the one shot that I had written, but the second chapter is soon to come!  Thanks for reading!  ^_^

Respecting Mr. Hale (Steter) (Stiles/Peter)Where stories live. Discover now