Chapter 22

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"So you're a werewolf" Stiles stated with a gulp, looking into my eyes and then casting his downward.  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  It's been a full two days since the incident with Stiles and the vampires and we were just now broaching the topic of my supernatural abilities.  We weren't as romantic as I wanted, but that was my fault for losing my temper on him and then trying to leave.

"Yes" I finally admitted "I was born into it."  He pressed his lips together as if he was going over the idea of it all in his mind.

"And there's more werewolves like you in Beacon Hills?" he added in question and I just nodded my head at him.  I watched his skinny fingers as they drummed on his knee, a habit I've noticed he does when he's really thinking hard about something.

"And Jay" he hesitated "and those other people at the place..... they were all vampires?"

"Yes, that was your typical vampire coven" I sighed sadly "and I'm sorry you had to get mixed up in all that."  He just took in my words but he didn't respond as he just sat there and thought it over.

"And you're sure that I'm not just going crazy?" he finally let out "that this isn't just some crazy hallucination?"  I let out a small chuckle at his words, but bit it back when I noticed how torn up he was about this.

"Look Stiles, I know this is a lot to take in-"

"We were dating..." he abruptly cut me off "and maybe it didn't mean that much to you, but that meant a lot to me.  Why wouldn't you tell me about this?"  The hurt in his eyes killed me.

"I was trying to protect you, I didn't want you to get wrapped up in all of this" I insisted "And us dating meant a lot to me and I screwed it up, and I'm sorry for that!  If I could take it back, that day, I would-"


"I never should've lost my temper" I continued on, ignoring his protests "and I'm not one to grovel and beg but I swear to god if you gave me a second chance.... Stiles I still like you, hell, I love you."  There was a long pause as we just sat there staring at each other.  I had never put myself, my feelings, out there like that to anyone before, and it was scary.  It was the first time I was ever afraid of getting hurt.

"I'm sorry Peter, I just.... I need some time" he murmured "I just need some time, I'm sorry."  And with that, he left the room, left me to sink down onto the couch in my small, empty apartment.  Alone.



I left Peter's place, a deep frown set on my face.  I just couldn't do it.

Of course I still loved him.  There's nothing he could ever do to make me stop loving him, but after everything that has happened these past few days, weeks even, I'm not so sure I want to get back into it with him.  At least not yet.  I just need time.

I had just stepped into the jeep when I heard a voice coming from the back seat.  I tensed until all the memories came flooding back and I knew exactly who it was.

"Jay" I smiled, turning back toward him "Blood."  I didn't even need to state what I wanted, as he was already making the small incision in his wrist, but I stated it anyway.  I couldn't help the waves of desire that went down my spine at the thought of the thick, sweet, rich liquid.

"Don't worry baby, I've got what you want" he purred holding his wrist out to me and I gladly grabbed it in my hands, licking up the sticky liquid.

"Hey, don't forget to give me my payment" he whispered softly, his lips brushing my ear, but I couldn't help the small feeling in the pit of my stomach that something wasn't right about this.  I ignored the feeling and moved upward, giving him his rewarding kiss, before moving back down to his wrist, but he pulled it away.

"What are you doing?" I couldn't help but hiss, but he quickly fled from my car and I was left there in a daze.  What just happened, why am I in the back seat of the jeep.  I looked down at my wet hands and took in a sharp breath.

"What the?" I breathed at the sight of fresh blood on my hands.  My heart started beating with fear, because I hadn't known where it had come from.  I scrambled out of my jeep and was about to go back up to Peter's to ask him what to do, but the sight of Scott stopped me.

"What.  The.  Fuck." Scott let out in a shocked tone, and I knew it was bad if he was swearing.  He rarely ever swears.

"I don't-" I started but he cut me off.

"You drank his blood...." he mumbled "you drank jay's blood."


Hey guys, there's another chapter.  I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try and update again really soon.  Thanks so very much for reading.  ^_^

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