Chapter 28

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I couldn't help it, the pull was too much. I knew it was a bad idea, coming back to the burned down manor during a full moon, but I needed some place to think. I needed a way to sort through everything that has been happening.

I ran my hand across the blackened crumbling wood of the building freezing at one of the windows that was still in tack. What am I even doing?

I remember the first time I admitted to myself the feelings I was having for the dorky teen. I didn't want to, I tried to fight it, but I cracked. How was I supposed to keep fighting something with such a strong draw? I never understood what humans had meant by love at first sight until I saw him that day in my class. He turned my whole world upside down with one nervous stutter.

I never imagined he'd return the same feelings back. The way he got so jealous when the waitress was flirting with me, the first time I'd ever taken him on a date was something I never expected. The way that every wrong move or mistake I made, affected him so much. Which is why I can't be with him again.

But how am I supposed to stay away from him, when every time I see him all the memories come flooding back? All the sensations of love and caring I felt for him.

"I thought I might find you out here" I heard the steady voice behind me, I whipped around to face its owner. She was a slim woman, probably in her early forties, and yet somehow still looked ageless. She had wavy greying black hair down to her hips. Her eyes were round and dark blue.

"I assume you're the woman who gave sent me the capsule" I spoke calmly as she walked forward, leaning back against a nearby tree.

"You assume correctly" she stated softly, a gentleness overcame her features.

"So what's your deal then, what did you see that made you so adamant to keep Stiles from turning" I pressed for answers, crossing my arms over my chest defiantly.

"The return of Coren" she whispered, striking a cold fear in my chest. I didn't want to believe her words.

"The original vampire? He would've returned if Stiles had turned" I murmured in fearful awe. She pursed her lips, casting her eyes down toward the dirt. Coren was the original vampire, he was a force to be forever feared. I'd had my fair share of killing in my lifetime... but if Coren returned, it would be a bloodbath.

"No" she breathed out, then slowly brought her eyes up to mine "He would've been the next Coren."



"Come on Scott, I'm serious" I pleaded, hanging on his locker "I really want to find the other half of the body, plus I could really use a distraction from freaky history teacher."

"And I'm serious too Stiles" Scott sighed, but I could tell he was still slightly amused "Lacrosse tryouts are tomorrow and I really don't want to be tired for them." He shut his locker and began walking away from me, but I was quick to follow him.

"Would it change your mind if I told you that they think it was a wolf that killed her?" I called out, making Scott freeze in his tracks.

"You're joking, right?" he widened his eyes at me as he spun to face me "there haven't been wolves here in years."

"They found traces of wolf hair on her body... well, half of her body" I grinned with excitement at the thought of a new mystery to solve "So, will you come help me find the other half of the body tonight?" He pursed his lips, looked toward the window, and then back at me.

"I'll think about it" he offered "now I've got to get to class. I can't afford to be late to English again this week. My mom will kill me."

"Fine, go. I have to get to art class anyway" I shrugged, beginning to back away "but you better have an answer by the end of the school day." With that, we parted way. My head buzzing with all the possibilities of the little mystery adventure tonight. This was bound to be epic.


Hey guys, thanks so much for reading. I hope you all enjoyed and I will try and update again soon! ^_^

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