Chapter 6

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"Stiles, what the hell are we doing here?" Scott asked as I parked outside of the club in the city to the north of Beacon Hills.

"Celebrating" I stated as if it were obvious "I got let out of detention more than a half hour early."

"Yeah, because that is totally call for us to go out to a shady bar in the middle of a dark alley" he smirked, but I still caught sight of his eyes flashing around the area nervously.

"First off, it's a club, not a bar Scott" I shrugged as we both stepped out of the car "and secondly, we are only stopping here for directions, not staying."

"And we couldn't have stopped at the last five gas stations we passed?" he sighed.

"Come on Scott, we'll be in and out before you know it" I assured him "just calm down a bit.  We still have a good fifteen minutes until the movie starts.

"Okay, Okay.  I trust you man" Scott surrendered as he followed me up to the front of the building to a very muscular man standing outside.  He looked like your typical bouncher with a bald head, thick muscles, and a form fitting black shirt.

"Names" the man stated firmly, his eye glued to his clip bored as if we didn't exist.

"Uh, we aren't here for the bar.  We were just here to ask for directions to the theater" I explained in an embarassing squeak.  I heard Scott let out a small chuckle behind me and I turned a glare on him.

"Oh shut up" I whispered giving him a small shove in the ribs and he just smirked.

"Names" the man insisted as if I'd never even spoken.

"Well Sir, I just" I mumbled.

"I know what you just said and I don't care" the man snapped, looking up with peircing eyes "but no one gets in with out giving a name."  I gulped down a nervous feeling in my throat.

"Hoppus and DeLonge" Scott pushed past me, speaking up.  The guy made a note of it on his clip board and quickly let us through, slamming the door behind us.  Well I guess we aren't getting directions from him.

"Hoppus and DeLonge?  Really Scott?" I chuckled, looking at his smug face.

"Hey at least I'm good at thinking fast on my feet.  How is he supposed to know the difference between our names and two of the last names of blink 182's members" he shrugged.  I shook my head at him.

"You are such a dork" I smirked, pushing past the sweaty bodies around us.  The music was blasting throughout the building and the sweaty people around us were jumping and dancing.  I ignored them as I scanned the walls for some place where there might be a map of some sort.  Eventually my eyes fell onto a door with the label office on it.

"Scott, I think I see the-" I turned to tell him, but he was nowhere in sight.  Great, now not only am I in a shady bar, but now I've lost my best friend somewhere in the shady bar.  I took a deep breath, regretting it imediatly at the smell of B.O. in the air.  I shook my head as I continued on forward, the door to the office in my sights.

I pushed past what felt like hundreds of people before I had made it to the office door.  I quickly swung it open and slammed it shut behind me, greatful for the change in volume.  The music was much less hearable in this room.

"Stiles?" I heard a suprised voice that I imediatly recognized.  My back went stiff as I slowly turned to the left to see none other than my cousin Davy.  He was dressed in the familar dorky plaid shirt, jeans, and mockisins that he always somehow seemed to make look bad ass.

"H-Hi Davy" I said barely above a whisper, trying desperatly to fake a smile.

"Man it is you" he grinned "how long has it been?  Six years?"

Respecting Mr. Hale (Steter) (Stiles/Peter)Where stories live. Discover now