Chapter 27

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"Oh my god Becky, can you believe Ashton dumped me" one of the brunette girls at the front of the class gossiped with her friend and I felt my stomach drop.  I couldn't believe what was happening.

"No freaking way, what a jerk" he friend, Becky I presume responded in her stuck up prissy tone. Though it wasn't their gossip that was messing with my head.  It was just everything.  I looked down to see that I was wearing the same blue button down and black slacks from my first day on the teaching job, the first day I'd met Stiles.  Everything was exactly the same.  Everything from the coffee stained paper's on my desk, to the girls gossiping about their boyfriends, to Stiles not being in his seat yet.

The bell rang, that familiar and annoying ring that you learn to hate over years of hearing it when you went to school.  I don't know why I ever let Derek talk me into actually showing up to the job he got for me at this damn school, but I guess some good things did come from it, even if he hasn't shown up at this point in time.

"Okay, time for attendance class" I called out, following the events from that day just to test if Stiles would come in when he did that day, to see if it was really happening all over again.  I read through the list, marking Stiles as absent again.  Then I went on to pass out the syllabus

"Alright, now that that is out of the way, welcome to American History everyone" I chanted clear to the tired faces of the class,  I was about to continue when just as it had happened before, Stiles came rushing in through the door.  My breath still caught at the sight of him, the same way it had back then.  I quickly recovered

"Ah, Mr. Stilinski.  We've been awaiting your momentous arrival" I called out, getting a few snickers out of some students "please, take a seat."  I watched him nod nervously and I had to fight the smile that tired to sneak onto my face at the sight of him, so pure and innocent again after all that I'd put him through.

"Now, as I was saying before Mr. Stilinski so rudely interrupted.  My name is Mr. Hale and I will be your teacher for history" I informed, taking the time to study Stiles more intently from the corner of my eye.  I couldn't help but be a bit shocked to find that he was already checking me out, even if he was trying to hid his intrigued eyes.  Was he really attached to me this early on?

"Now, in this class I have some rules I'll have you follow" I spoke up to keep people from noticing my frequent gazes toward Stiles "certain values that I hold strong in this class.  Those of which are posted on your syllabus.  Now who would like to tell the class the first one on the list?  Mr. Stilinski?"  That caused the daze to leave his eyes as he looked a bit like a deer caught in headlights.

"Um, uh.... I'm sorry, what was the question?" he stuttered nervously and it took everything in me not to lean down and kiss him there.  I had to keep reminding myself that he hasn't dated me yet in this time.

"And here everyone, is a perfect example of disrespect" I chanted in a loud voice in an attempt to distract myself "the question was what is my number one policy in this class, the answer is right on the syllabus.  Respect.  I suggest if you plan on doing well in my class, you should show me some respect by paying attention."  I tapped a finger on the crisp white paper on his desk and I watched his head slowly sink to look at it.

"Now that most of you seem to understand my rules" I stated, making my way back to the front of the room "it's time to pass out text books."  I quickly passed out the text books before situating myself at the desk, having the students read Chapter 9.

It was then that I realized something as the classroom quieted down.  I didn't have to repeat history action for action.  I could do things differently.  I could change things for Stiles, do right by him.  Maybe I could even save Jay, as much as I didn't like his crush on Stiles... he never deserved to die that way.  I could do things right this time.

Before I knew it the bell was ringing and all the students were packing up their belongings into book bags.  Stiles was shoving his things into his in his usual clumsy manner and I couldn't help the smile that time as he threw his bag over his shoulder and began to make his way toward the door.

"Stiles, wait here for a second" I offered "I need to talk to you for a second."  I watched as all the students slowly flowed past his nervous figure.

"Oh, so now we're on a first name basis" I heard him mutter softly, obviously not meaning for me to hear.  Though instead of scolding him like I did the first time, I slowly made my way around the desk, shutting the door, and leaning back against the desk.

"Stiles" I offered, folding my hands on my lap "what if.... what if I wasn't your teacher?"  He seemed taken off guard and a little alarmed by the question, which I fully expected.

"I- I'm sorry?" he coughed nervously.  What was I doing... this was stupid...

"Never mind" I sighed "you can continue on to your next class."  He looked hesitant, but eventually opened the door up, and left me behind with a frown.

"Terrorizing Students Peter?" I heard Derek's familiar voice behind me and my shoulders sank, I wasn't in the mood for sarcastic banter with my nephew.

"You're going to have to teach the new class.  I quit" I muttered trudging out the door and leaving Derek with a gaping mouth.


Hey guys, so there's another chapter of Respecting Mr. Hale.  I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try and update again really soon.  Thank you so much for reading, you are amazing.  ^_^

Respecting Mr. Hale (Steter) (Stiles/Peter)Where stories live. Discover now