Chapter 3

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My dad set me on the bench in the main hall of the police station as he retreated to his office to take a call.  Me, being my curious self, decided to listen in.  I crouched beside the door as I pressed my ear to the blurry glass.  His voice was a bit muted but I could still kind of make out what he was saying.

"Wolf hair?  Are you sure?" I heard my dad ask in shock.  I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"But Crowley, there hasn't been wolfs in this part of the state in years" My dad argued "how could you have found wolf hair and tracks in the forest?"  I pursed my lips at my dad's words.  He's right, this town is the last place you'd expect to find a wolf.  The deputy had to have it wrong.

"There has to be some sort of mistake" my dad made a point of saying and I found myself nodding in agreement even though I knew no one was paying attention to me.

"Well I realize it would explain the claw and bite marks on the girls body and-" he started but was cut off, but he soon started talking again.

"And I know it would explain why half the body is missing-" he started with a brief pause "but there would still be bones left behind Crowley."  I bit my lip as I took in all the information.

"Okay, I'll be back down there in a second I just-" 

"Stiles, what do you think you're doing?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me.  I jumped at the suddenness of the voice, causing me to fall off of the bench.

"I, uh, um, nothing?" I stated as more of a question than a response.  The lady from the front desk just shook her head at me before letting out a deep sigh.

"Well I expect it to stay that way" she warned before continuing on down the hall.  I turned and was just about to go back to listening through the door when my dad's door swung open.

"Stiles, you're punishment is going to have to wait until I get home tonight, I have to go back out" my dad explained "I had one of the guys from my team bring your jeep back here.  It be best if you head home right now."  It sucked hearing the hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Look dad, I'm-" I started.

"No Stiles, we'll  talk about this when I get home" he sighed "just leave."  I frowned, but nodded none the less.  I stood up from the bench and trudged down the hall and out the door.  I took a deep breath as I scanned the darkness that was 10 o'clock at night here in Beacon Hills before heading out toward my jeep sitting in the far corner of the parking lot.

I started humming a Panic at the Disco song when I heard something that sounded like footsteps.  I froze midstep as I slowly turned my head in all directions, but saw nothing out of the normal.  

Convincing myself that I was just imagining thing, I took a deep breath and continued walking toward the door.  I was about half way across the parking lot when I heard the smack of metal to my left.  I turned to my left just as I heard the scratching of claws against metal to my right that sent chills down my back.  Okay, I'm definitely not imagining this.....

"Hello?" I squeaked between my trembling lips.  I stumbled backwards as I swear I saw something blur past me not even 15 feet away.

"This isn't funny!" I yelled, trying to put on a tough act, but I was really about to shit myself in fear.  I shook my head, deciding that I wasn't going to stick around to deal with anymore of the noises.  I started walking toward my car, which quickly turned into a run.  I was almost to my jeep when I felt a force send me to the ground from my right side.  

I let out a small scream as I hit the ground, my head bouncing slightly and I could feel the blood start flowing from my temple.  My vision was blurry but I could still make out the giant looming figure pinning me down.

It was wolf like, but completely not a wolf at the same time if that makes any sense.  It was way to large to be a normal wolf and it's body wasn't completely covered in hair.  There almost seemed to be something about it that almost seemed human, but I couldn't think about that at the moment.

All I could think about were the huge barred teeth and glowing red eyes hovering inches from my face.  Snarls were easily flowing from its lips.  I couldn't help the small cry that escaped my lips as I turned my head, waiting for the creature to sink its teeth into me.... but the moment never came.  I peeked at it from the corner of my eye and that's when it jumped off of me and bolted away.

I couldn't find it in myself to move as much as I just wanted to run away before it came back.  My head was throbbing in pain and specks of black were swimming around him my vision.  I saw my dad running over to me just as my vision faded to black.


Hey guys, here is chapter 3.  Hope you all enjoyed and I promise to update again as soon as I can.  Thanks for reading!  ^_^

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