Chapter 24

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I knelt down beside Scott, placing two fingers against his throat.  I could hear his faint heartbeat, but still felt the urge to check.  I let out a relieved sigh, before running to the kitchen, grabbing a dish rag and running back to the living room.  I placed it against Scott's temple as I dialed the hospital's number into my phone.

"Beacon Hill's hospital, McCall speaking, what's your emergency?" I heard a feminine voice and casually I stood up, resting Scott's head on the towel.

"Oh good, it's you Ms. McCall.  Your son has had a terrible fall, and it bleeding pretty bad on my floor.  You might want to come and check him out" I stated in a completely calm matter before reciting my address to her and then quickly hanging up before she could freak out on me.  It was then that I hurried over to the neighbor across the hall and slammed a hand on his door.  He was quick to open up.

"Hey, I just called an ambulance, if you wouldn't mind watching the dying boy for me.  I have to go save another boy from being murdered" I explained as if it were an everyday occurrence.  Though, this neighbor had been living near me long enough to know that this type of thing was normal in my crazy life.  The guy just stared at me, his mouth slightly ajar and I shot him a smile, and began running downstairs, off to save Stiles.



"I knew you'd come for me baby" Jay smiled at me as I entered the arch of the old storage barn.  I gave him a half smile before he pressed his lips against mine, and I couldn't help the way my stomach twisted, and it wasn't twisting in a good way.  As he pulled away, I winced, doubling over and grabbing at my forehead.

Images of a black wolf flashed before my eyes.  In the parking lot, the wolf leaning over me.  The wolf saving me from Davy at the club.  Jay's cold fingers grabbing at my chin snapped me out of it and he forced my gaze up to his.

"Forget the memories, you love me now.  You belong to me now" he stated venomously and I blinked before I smiled at him.

"Forget what?" I bubbled, biting my lip as I smiled at him.  He just gave me a happy grin.

"That's what I thought" he pecked me on the cheek "I want to introduce you to everyone."  I let him pull me by my hand into a darker area of the storage barn before the light of a fire came into sight around a stack of old wood planks.

"Family, I'd love for you all to me my boyfriend Stiles" he grinned "He's already completely faze one."  The all took on some devious grins and I scrunched my face in confusion.

"Faze one?" I asked curiously.

"Why, drinking my blood of course.  That was faze one of the process" he smiled, playing with my fingers as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Process of what?" I questioned nervously, but he shook his head.

"You ask to many questions baby" Jay smiled "don't you trust me?"

"Of course" I stated, eager to please him.

"Don't you love me enough to trust my judgment?" he asked, pouting his lip slight and I frowned.

"Of course I do, with everything" I stated and flinched slightly at the image of Peter's concerned face in my eyes.  Flinched at the memory of Scott's head hitting the coffee table.

"Then you'll let me do this" he purred in my ear "you'll let me bite you.  You'll let me change you, change us."  I shivered out of fear and desire at his words, and without even thinking about it I began to lean my head to the side, exposing the pale skin of my neck.  I watched as he opened his mouth wide, the veins around his eyes becoming a dark black.  His fang extended from his mouth and-

"Don't even try" I heard the calm but powerful words and I shot my head to see the shadowy outline of a taller guy, it was a voice that tugged at my mind before the pieces connected in my mind.  Peter.

"What, wolf?  Are you here to stop me from hurting your little toy?  Stop a whole coven of vampires by yourself?" Jay teased and Peter slowly emerged from the shadows, the familiar look of sarcasm entering his face.

"Actually, you're right.  I really should've thought of that.  I guess this would be the part where I run away with my tail between my legs right?" he chuckled, before becoming serious "but it seems I did think of that."  And without a moments hesitation, several others emerged from the shadows.  Numbers that matched with the numbers of the coven.

Jay hissed..... and the war began...


Hey guys, so here is another chapter.  I'm sorry it took so long for an update.  I'll try and update sooner next time.  Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.  I promise I will try to update soon!  ^_^

Respecting Mr. Hale (Steter) (Stiles/Peter)Where stories live. Discover now