Chapter 4

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"I swear I'm fine dad" I groaned, pressing the ice pack to my head as I waited in a small room at the hospital.

"Fine my ass Stiles" my dad ranted "you were passed out when I found you, we are waiting for your test results.  End of story."  I scowled slightly at my dad before sighing and dropping my head.

My dad was convinced that I had gotten a concussion when I hit my head on the parking lot.  Especially after I started mumbling something about a wolf man when I woke up.  It kind of hurt that he wouldn't believe me.  I flinched as the image of the wolf creature flashed to the fore front of my mind.

"Are you okay?" dad asked, as he rushed over to me when he heard me wince.  My dad may not believe me, but I can't stay mad at him because it's obvious that he cares about me.

"I'm fine dad" I sighed, waving him off.  He pursed his lips before backing away.   It was at that point that Scott's mom walked back in with the results.

"So can you please tell my dad I don't have a concussion" I pleaded with her, eager to get out of this place.  Hospitals made me anxious.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Stiles.  It's seems you do have a minor concussion" she explained "It's nothing to be too worried about.  Just take a few pain killers and you'll be okay, but you should be careful not to hit your head too bad again."  I frowned to myself.  Great, my dad wasn't going to let me out of the house.  I honestly think he worries too much.

"Hey Stiles, why don't you go out to the waiting room.  Scott's waiting for you.  I want to have a few words with your dad" Ms. McCall offered.  I nodded, happy for an excuse to get out of the stuffy room.

I quickly hurried out into the hall and down to the waiting room.  As Ms. McCall had promised, Scott was leaned up against a wall as he waited for me.  His eyes widened as he saw me.

"Stiles!" he chanted as he jogged over to me, placing firm hands on my shoulders "are you okay."

'Yeah, I'm fine" I smiled "I had the best damn medical person looking over me."  Scott shook his head with a grin. 

"I see hitting your head didn't do anything to your sarcasm" Scott pointed.

"Indeed" I agreed as my eyes drifted over his shoulder, as I met another pair of eyes.

"Uh, Scott" I whispered "I'll be right back."  I pushed past him as I hurried down the hall of the hospital.  I watched the form turn around the corner, but when I did the same.... he was gone.

"I could've swore I saw Mr. Hale" I muttered to myself, shaking my head "I must have hit my head harder than I thought."

"Stiles, what's up?" Scott asked with concern as he finally caught up with me.

"I... um, nothing" I sighed, shaking my head "I just thought I saw someone.  Scott frowned at me.

"Come on" I prodded him "let's get back in there so that my dad can issue his punishment to me."  Scott smirk at me.

"Judgeing by what I've heard" he offered "I'd really hate to be you right now."

"Well, you know my dad.  Concussion or no concussion, I'm still getting grounded for life by following him and the team into the woods" I sighed.  Scott chuckled as we made our way back into the main room of the hospital.


"So how long are you on lock down?" Scott grinned at me as he met me at my locker in the morning.  I glared at him and he held up his hands in surrender.

"I got grounded for a week" I growled "so much for the lacrosse team party on thursday."

"Well, it's not like it matters much anyways.  We're both bound to the bench all season" he sighed.  I nodded in sad agreement.

"I've gotta get to class" I stated as I noticed the clock "Mr. Hale just about chewed my head off for being late yesterday."

"Oooo, have fun" Scott grinned evilly.

"Oh trust me, I won't" I grumbled as I stuck my tongue out at him "I hate that class."

"Oh I'm sure it hates you too Stiles" he smirked I rolled my eyes.

"See you at lunch Ass hat" I growled before storming off to class.  I made my way into the classroom, heading to my seat in the back from yesterday.  Though this time, there was a guy sitting in the seat beside mine.   I furrowed my eyebrows as I made my way over.  

He had spikey brown hair and what seemed to be chocolate brown eyes.  His skin had a slight tan to it and he was hunched over his text book as if his life depended on it.

"You okay there?" I asked curiously as I sat down beside him.  He whipped his head up as if he had just noticed my presense.

"I, uh, yeah..... maybe" he stuttered, then sighed "no, I suck at history.  I forgot to get the assignment done last night and if I fail the first assignment of the year my dad's going to kill me."  My eyes were drawn to his fingers drumming nervously on the dark wood of the table.

"Well, lucky for you I got grounded after I got a concussion last night and had nothing else to do, you can just copy my answers today" I offerd as I pulled out my notebook and flipped to the page.

"Oh my god, you're a life saver" he breathed out in relief.

"I know, but don't get to thinking that this is an everyday thing" I stated sternly "I'm just being nice because you are obviously a good guy."

"Don't worry, I don't expect this to be an every day thing" he promised "I just forgot."  He furrowed his eyes at the textbook and my answers.

"What, do you need to know what something says.  I know I have terrible hand writing" I offered.  the guy shook his head.

"It's not that" he explained "I'm just having a hard time understanding the questions and how the answers relate."  I pursed my lips as he continued to copy the answers.

"Hey, I could like, tudor you if you wanted" I suggested softly.  He looked about ready to answer when a voice inturrupted.

"I think that'd be a great idea, seeing as how I don't allow copying in this class Mr. Stilinski" I heard Mr. Hale's thundering voice.  I flinched at the suddeness of it.

"You both get a zero on the assignment" Mr. Hale informed before striding back to the front of the room.  I saw the guy's face fall at news of his failing grade.

"I'm sorry dude" I sighed as I leaned back in my seat.

"It's alright, you tried helping me" he shrugged "oh, I almost forgot.  I'm Jay."

"Oh, I'm uh Stiles" I offered and he shot me a smile.

"It's nice to finally have one friend in this school" he whispered under his breath, but I still heard him.

"How could someone like you not have any friends here?" I quizzed, taking in his appearance.  His facial features combined with his expensive clothes shouted popular kid.  Guess I shouldn't stereotype.

"I'm actually new" he admitted with a slight blush "I've never actually been that great at meeting new people."

"Well, then I'm honored to be your first friend here Jay" I smiled.  I heard a clearing of a throat at the front of the room and I turned to see Mr. Hale with an annoyed look on his face.

"If you two are done with your girl talk, I would love to start class" Mr. Hale growled.  I bit my lip, when I noticed something weird.  Did I noticed a hint of jealousy in his eyes?  I have to be imagining things.... right?


Hey guys, here is chapter 4.  Hope you guys enjoyed.  What did you guys think about the new character Jay?  Did you like him?  Did you not like him?  Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope to update again real soon!  ^_^

Pic of Jay to the side ---------------------------->

Respecting Mr. Hale (Steter) (Stiles/Peter)Where stories live. Discover now