Chapter 9

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Instead of heading straight home after school like usual, I ended wandering down the hall to Mr. Hale's room.  I lingered outside of his door just wondering why I was even here.  I should be in my jeep driving toward my house to play video games....

Though part of me wants to, no scratch that, feels the need to talk to Mr. Hale.  He seemed to be acting weird today.  Maybe I can start it casual like saying I forgot something.  That sounds like a normal enough reason to come back here... right?

I took a deep breath as I slid my hand over the door nob and twisted it.  I peeked my head in only to find the classroom empty.  I felt slightly disappointed, but forced myself further into the room towards my desk so as not to look like some creep peeking into classrooms.  I had just made it a few steps toward my desk when I heard the door creak even further open.

"Stiles?  Is there something I can help you with?" I heard Mr. Hale's voice, but there was just something so off about it.  It didn't seem as laced with emotions as his voice usually did when he spoke.

"I-uh-I just" I stuttered, completely blanking on the excuse I had for coming in here "I'll go."  I ducked my head, starting to head for the door when Mr. Hale's voice caught me off guard.

"Might you have been looking for this?" he quizzed and I slowly spun around to see him holding up my paper that I was doodling on in class earlier.  Well I guess that's a better excuse than any.

"Oh yeah, that's it" I murmur, slowly grabbing it from his outstretched hand.  He nodded as me and began to head to his desk.

"Um, Mr. Hale?" I couldn't help but shout after his retreating figure.  He turned to face me with a raised eyebrow.

"Look I know we talked this morning about it but uh, are we okay.  Your not like mad at me for leaving so quickly are you" I rambled on "because I was just tired and I think I hit my head and I don't want you to think I hate you, and-"

"Stiles, it's fine.  Trust me, I understand why you left" he sighed, and he seemed to be fighting a frown.  He started for his desk again.

"But you seem stressed out or something.  I mean, are you okay?" I quizzed curiously.  He turned to me with a big sigh, pursing his lips.

"Stiles, you don't have to worry about me.  I'm your just your teacher, you made that abundantly clear last night" he stated with slight venom and I flinched at the harshness of the words.  He seemed to look regretful for a moment, but shook his head and walked to his desk.

"So this is about last night?" I snapped, tossing my bag onto a nearby desk.  He groaned, turning toward me.

"What do you want me to say?  That I'm upset about it?" he sat on his desk, casting his eyes toward the ground "it'd be best if you left now before I say something that we'll both regret."

"Why would you be upset about it?  I don't see what the big deal about it was?" I grunted and he looked up at me wide eyed as he pushed himself off the desk.

"The big deal Stiles?  The big deal is that I basically spilled my feelings to you last night and you just ran away from me like I was some monster" he shouted "and that was after you told me what I felt was wrong!"  I fell silent for what felt like hours as we both just stood there staring at the floor.

"I didn't want to run away" I whispered, trying to focus on anything but his face.  I heard his footsteps until his feet came into my down cast gaze, and then I felt his fingers on my chin tilting my face upward.

"Then why did you?" he asked softly.

"I-I don't know" I shrugged, casting my eyes to the side "I just... I'm sorry."  I slowly pulled my chin from his smooth fingers, turning towards the door, but before I could even move a step, his hand was on my wrist spinning me around.

"Stiles" he sighed and it was in the moment that I got a short burst of confidence.  I leaned up on my toes, pressing a kiss to his lips...


Dun, dun, dun!  Cliff hanger guys!  I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 9 of Respecting Mr. Hale.  Thanks for reading and I'll try and update again real soon!  ^_^

P.S. Short Chapter I know, but I promise the next one will be longer!  :)

Respecting Mr. Hale (Steter) (Stiles/Peter)Where stories live. Discover now