Chapter 33

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"I don't know, man" I shrugged, savoring the warmth coming from my hot cocoa cup in waves.  It was just the comforting thing I needed after what happened with my dad.

"I think you do know, Mason talks to you more than he talks to me" Scott pointed out "please just tell me if you think he likes Liam?"

"Of course he likes Liam.  They're best friends" I shrugged, taking a sip of my chocolaty drink.  Scott just rolled his eyes at me in annoyance.

"You know what I mean" he sighed, setting his cup down onto the coffee table.  I flickered my eyes over to the tv, the news was playing softly on the screen.

"Why do you care so much?" I asked, already knowing the answer.  He didn't actually care about Mason's love life as much as he made it seem, he was just trying to help me get my mind off my troubles.  I hadn't told him about what happened with my dad yet, but he knows me well enough to know that something is up.

"Well for one, Liam is my beta.  I admit that it's in my nature to snoop into his personal life every once in a while" he smirked, pushing himself back up off of the carpet, and sinking into the opposite side of the couch from me.  I pursed my lips before rolling my eyes.

"Fine.  Mason may have mentioned something about Liam being adorable when he was freaking out about exams" I offered finally "but he looked shocked himself when he said it, and took it back immediately."

"I knew it" Scott shot up from his seat on the couch, throwing his arms in the chair "I knew something was going on between the two."  I watched his excited figure for a few minutes before taking a breath.  I needed to talk to him about my dad and Peter, as hard as it is to think about.

"Hey Scott" I spoke up softly, and he slowly turned to me, his face falling "can I ask you something?"

"Yeah man, of course" he offered reassuringly, sitting back on the couch "you can ask me anything, you know that."  I bit my lip, rubbing at my arm anxiously.

"How do you get back a parents trust when you break it?" I whispered quietly.  I watched a frown pull at his lips as it hit him how serious this was.

"What happened?" he asked gently.

"My dad found some letters.  I guess I left the box of them out on my bed when I left the house" I offered "they were my letters from Peter.  I had convinced him a while back that it'd be cute if we wrote back and fourth.  My dad wouldn't even look at me."  Scott pursed his lips, the look in his eyes showed that he was trying to figure out what to say to me.

"Peter Hale?" Scott asked in slight surprise, and I could see that he was trying to bite his tongue on how he really felt about Peter, for the sake of my already fragile mood.

"Okay, so you're dad found out your gay.  That you have a boyfriend" he offered "I can't imagine that it would be that big of a shock to him.  It would have to be something else."

"Excuse me?!" I was taken off guard by his comment and Scott gave me a bored look.

"Seriously Stiles?  You're the one that asked me to try making out with you sophomore year" he offered "you're not the best at hiding things when it comes to your sexuality."

"Point taken" I sighed "but if that's not what upset him then-"  And then it hit me and I shrank back into the couch.

"I'm a horrible son" I grunted, setting my cocoa beside Scott's on the coffee table.

"What is it?" Scott quizzed curiously.

"He's not upset that I'm gay, that I have a boyfriend.  He's not that kind of person" I explained "Hell, I'm not even sure it's about Peter, or Peter's age, but I'm sure that's part of it."

"Well if it's not about Peter, or about you being gay..." Scott offered "then what is it about?"

"After my mom died, my dad and I became very close.  We'd tell each other everything" I offered "and I kept this from him.  And I didn't just not tell him about it, I've lied to him about it.  Finding that out... finding that out couldn't have been easy.  God, I don't know how I'm going to make this one up to him."  I let out a deep sigh, leaning forward onto my knees.

"Tell him" Scott stated bluntly and I slowly turned my head to look at him, my chin still resting in my hands.

"Tell him everything" Scott insisted at the look on my face.

"He already knows pretty much everything.  He read the letters Scott" I sighed.

"I know, but you need to tell him everything" Scott offered "if he's upset with you for keeping secrets, then you make it up to him with the honest truth.  Even if he's not going to be happy with the age difference.  Speaking of which, you better do it sooner rather than later if you and Peter have done more than... than you should."  I watched him visibly shutter at the image that he probably just put in his head.  The idea of that image in his head made me cringe.  There's some things that my best friend doesn't need to picture me doing.

"You're right.  Thanks Scott" I smiled at him.

"Anytime man" he nodded as we both turned our attention back toward the news playing on the tv screen.  I made an effort of turning the volume up slightly to avoid awkward questions from Scott, but to no avail.

"So... Peter Hale" Scott stated casually.

"Don't.  Don't even say it" I murmured, not taking my eyes off the tv.

"Please tell me that this is some random act of crazy teen rebellion" Scott grinned with amusement.

"No, it's not.  And I do have feelings Scott" I grumbled at him, and I caught his small frown from the corner of my eye.

"He's like ten years older than us Stiles" he pointed out in exasperation.

"I love him, Scott!" I finally snapped, spinning on him in frustration "Yes, I realize there is a bit of an age gap.  Eight years.  He's twenty four!  But I am in love with him!"

"But you're still seventeen" I heard the voice that I had thought had gone to bed.  I slowly turned in my seat to see my dad standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Scott, if you wouldn't mind heading on home" he offered "I need to talk to my son."  I watched Scott quickly shoot to his feet, grabbing up his things.

"Sure, yeah, of course" he offered and then turned back to me "I'll see you at School Stiles."  And with that, he was out the door, and I was left to face the uncertain with my dad.


Hey guys, long time no see.  Sorry it's been a long time since I've updated, but here it is, finally another chapter of Respecting Mr. Hale.  I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try and update again really soon!  Thanks so much for reading!  ^_^

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