Chapter 26

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I stepped out of my quick shower, looking away from all the blood and grime washing away down the drain.  I wrapped a towel around my hips, making my way to my bedroom for a change of clothes.

Argent was supposed to meet me back here after he got cleaned up and we were going to head back to the hospital to see the news on Stiles recovery... or his non-recovery.  I shivered, I didn't even want to think about that option.

I quickly threw on some black jeans and a short sleeve, button up, black shirt.  I towel dried my hair and the droplets that had fallen onto my neck before throwing my towel in the hamper by the door.  I made my way back toward the front of my apartment only to freeze at the mouth of my living room.  Sat on my couch was Stiles' friend Scott.  The bandage around his head was slightly red from where his cut was.

"You know, you should really lock your doors" Scott finally got the nerve to speak up.  I let out sigh as I walked over to the desk in the corner pouring myself some whiskey.

"And you should still be in the hospital recovering from your head injury" I pointed out, taking a long sip from the alcohol.

"I couldn't" he stated, worry playing in his eyes and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You... couldn't?" I quizzed with a peaked interest.

"An old woman came into my hospital room claiming to be a...a.... a oracle.  That's what it was" he explained "she kept saying that I was to give this to you no matter what the cost and something about this being important to the balance and stuff."  He offered me a small red box with gold spirals all over it.

"So let me get this straight" I held up a finger "a strange woman comes over to you with a strange looking box, saying that if you didn't give it to me it would disrupt the balance and you didn't find the need to question her?"  He pursed his lips, shrugging.  I let out a frustrated sigh, knowing my luck this was probably some pissed off witch with a bone to pick with me.

"Well thanks for bringing me with unknown, probably dangerous box" I stated in an flat tone "now get back to the hospital before you faint from a concussion."

"But Mr. Hale, can't I-"  he started but I pushed him toward the door.

"It was nice talking to you Scott, bye" I stated, getting him fully out the door, slamming and locking it.  I walked back to the desk, setting the box down.  I eyed it for a few minutes, sipping at my whiskey before I decided what to do.  I set my glass down, standing back and stretching hand toward the box.  I opened it up, immediately flinching backward expecting some kind of spell but nothing happened.  I slowly inched forward looking into the box only to find a small capsule of who knows what and a small folded up piece of paper.

I slowly, cautiously reached my hand forward pulling out the paper.  Unfolding it, a scrawling black cursive was revealed inside.


       If your reading this, it means the boy was successful in giving this to you.  I've seen it, the future.  The boy turns, soulless and all.  This can not become the reality.  I've seen the future of what he is capable of if he is to turn.  Inside I've collected ingredients to a time capsule.  This will allow events to be erased and time to be turned back to before everything.  I'd use it myself, but it must be used by someone close to the event.  If you know what's best for the town and the worlds, you will use the time capsule and turn back time.

The not ended without a signature to promise it's truth... but what if she's right.  What if Stiles turns, because that's what it's looking like.  I could save him... one last time, I could save him from all of this.  I could make sure things turned out better for him, protect him from ever having to go through all of this....

I smashed the capsule...


Hey guys, here's another update.  I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try to update again soon.  Thanks for reading.  I know this was a short one but I promise the next update will be longer.  ^_^

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