Chapter 10

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I backed Stiles into the door, closing it from it's halfway position, while keeping the kiss constant.  There was no way I was going to let this moment get interrupted by some nosy teacher.  With my luck Stiles would start avoiding me again if this ended on a bad note.

I placed gentle hands around his waist, deepening the kiss, and I couldn't help but smile as his nervous arms found their way around my neck.  I nipped at his bottom lip with my teeth, causing a possessive growl to crawl it's way my throat, but I immediately pulled away when I tasted blood.

I spun away from his startled frame, only to catch the reflection of my red eyes in the glass of the window.  I pressed my lips into a tight line, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.  I needed to calm down.  I needed to get a handle on my wolf.

"P-peter?" I heard Stiles nervous whisper behind me, using my first name for the first time, making it all the harder to calm my wolf.

"Shhhh" I hushed him, taking yet another deep breath.

".... I, uh, I shouldn't have done that.... I'm sorry" he muttered in a sad tone "I'm an idiot, I don't know what I was thinking."  I turned to face him, now finally starting to gain control of my wolf, and rested my hand on his cheek, stroking it with my thumb.

"Don't you call yourself an idiot" I stated firmly "ever.  Especially for something like that."  I slowly pulled a tissue from my pocket dabbing at the blood stain I had left on his lower lip.  He flinched as the soft material touched the small incision.  It pained me to know how easily I'd lost control and hurt him.

"I'm the one who should be sorry" I whispered after a few minutes, placing the tissue back in my pocket now that his lip seemed to stop bleeding. 

"It's was an accident.  You didn't mean to" he murmured quietly.  His eyes flashed downward and I took my opportunity to place a light kiss on his lips.

"I should probably get home" he stated a bit louder, seeming to be calming down a bit more from the kiss.  He slowly turned toward the door, about to turn the nob when I spoke up.

"Stiles?" I quizzed hurriedly.

"Hm?" he turned to me with a hesitant raised eyebrow.

"Let me take you to dinner tonight.  I know this really nice place just outside of town" I insisted hopefully.  This is how I would do it.  I would take things slow.  Train myself to control my wolf around him instead of jumping right into it.

"L-Like.... Like a date?" he stuttered nervously, his fingers twitching at his sides and he bit his lip.  It was actually kind of adorable?  Oh god, what is this boy doing to me?

"It doesn't have to be" I hurriedly explained "we can just hang out, talk."  I didn't want him to feel pressured into going to quickly.

"I.... okay" he stated, and I'd like to hope that it was excitement that I saw in his eyes....


Every thought in my mind was screaming for me to say no.  Saying that I shouldn't do it.  Saying that this whole ordeal was only going to end in pain.  But my heart said a completely different thing.  So like this stupid guy I am, I said okay.

So now here I stand in front of my closet, searching through my bland wardrobe, trying to find something presentable to wear on my non-date with Mr. Hale.... or do I call him Peter now?  I shook my head in confusion and frustration.

"I should never have kissed him" I grunted to myself.  Then I could forever hold the comfort of my jumbled feelings for a teacher as I sat in the back row of the classroom.... never having to have to deal with the trouble of finding the right outfit for a first non-date with an older guy who happens to be my teacher.

I sighed.  That kiss was amazing though.  His lips tasted of spearmint and coffee.  I've never been a big fan of coffee, but in this case I could make an exception.  Adding to that the way that I got to see a different side of him.  He's always so cocky and aloof during class, but after that kiss..... he seemed almost nervous, not as smooth with his word choice.  I didn't even notice the smile on my face until it had reached my eyes and I shook my head.

I groaned as I shuffled over to the computer.  Like the complete dorky genius that I am, I googled the answer to my problem.  What to wear on a first non-date?  Several answers popped up, but as every great internet user knows, Wikihow was obviously the best choice.  I quickly clicked on the link and took a deep breath.  Well here goes nothing...


Hey guys, so here is chapter 10.  I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I'll try and update again as soon as I can.  Thanks for reading!  ^_^

Respecting Mr. Hale (Steter) (Stiles/Peter)Where stories live. Discover now