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I gazed at the mantel over the fire place.  The picture of me and my dad when I was four, when he took me fishing for the first time.  The picture when I was twelve, he'd taken he on my first ride along, and I'd gotten a junior police badge.  When I was fourteen on my fist day of high school.  

I felt the warmth start to flow through my limbs again as Peter's arms circled my waist.  His chin snuggled it's way into my neck and I just gently leaned my head against his.  I was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted.

"I can't believe he's really gone" I whispered, casting my eyes down to my body clad in dark clothing, as well as Peter's arms that were also dressed in black.

"You know he loved you" Peter whispered against the nape of my neck "he loved you more than you will ever know."  I slowly turned around in his arms as small tears began leaking from the corners of my eyes.

"I told him I hated him..." I gulped, followed by a sniffle "The last time I saw him alive, I told him that I hated him."  My voice broke at the end and Peter swiftly pulled me into his arms, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"Hey, don't focus on that" he whispered "your dad knew you didn't mean it.  You dropped the bomb on him that you dropped out of college.  Emotions were heated.  You both said some things you didn't mean."

"I know... but I just wish that I could've seen him one last time.  Made it clear to him how much he meant to me... how much I loved him" I sniffled, burying my face into his shirt "I miss him so much."  Peter didn't say a word as he just kept rubbing circles on my back.

After a few minutes, Peter's phone began to ring.  I began to pull away, expecting him to answer it.

"No, stay with me, you're more important to me" he assured me and I smiled up at him through the tears.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you" I let out in a breath.

"Only every day" he smiled back "but I'm pretty sure I love you more."  I was about to respond when Peter's phone went off again.

"Sorry, let me turn it off really quick" He apologized for the annoyance.  He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked as if he were about to shut it off, when he froze.

"What is it?" I asked concerned.

"It's the hospital... the hospital is calling... and it was them the first time" he breathed with shock and excitement before quickly pressing the answer button and bringing the phone to his ear.


A response from the hospital

"Yes, this is Peter Hale."

A response from the hospital.

"Are you serious?!  But she's not due for another two weeks."

A response from the hospital

"Of course, we'll be there as soon as we can"

With another response from the hospital, Peter hung up and despite the days events containing my dad's funeral, my heart was pounding with excitement.

"I know this is pretty bad timing, but are you up for a trip to the hospital.  It looks like our surrogate is in labor" Peter smiled slightly almost in disbelief.

"Our baby's coming?" I whispered with tears in my eyes once again, but this time they weren't as sad.

"Our baby's coming!" he nodded as tears too formed in his eyes and he hugged me, before we both hurried out to our car.


"Meet your new baby boy" The nurse greeted as we entered the room, a small little thing in her arms wrapped in a blue blanket.

"Oh my god" I breathed as I felt the weight of my son being placed into my arms.  I looked up at Peter with hysterical joy.

"I love him, I love our son" I gasped "he's so beautiful."

"Our little Linden" he whispered and I looked up at him in awe.

"You want to name him after my dad?" asked in a sad yet happy voice.

"Yes, if you're okay with that" he offered "I just think that our little boy being born on the same day as your father's funeral, is like his way of telling you that everything is going to be okay."

"I love it" I sniffled "I love Linden, I love you, and I love our little family."


There you have it you guys, the final part to this love story.  I hope you guys enjoyed all the ups and downs and I'm sorry it took me so long on updates.  You guys are amazing!  ^_^

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