Chapter 23

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"Scott, I don't..." I trailed off.  What was I supposed to say?  I don't even know what the hell just happened myself.

I just sank down, curling in on myself, the blood smearing into my jeans.  I was shaking and having trouble breathing, but what scared me the most, was the thought of the blood on my hands made me hungry. 

I began to rock back and fourth, steadying my breathing like I had been taught to for panic attacks but it didn't seem to be helping this time.  At that realization I began to cry in frustration and fear and that's when I felt Scott's hand rest on my shoulder.

"I don't remember" I whimpered and Scott's hand gave my shoulder a slight squeeze.

"Look Stiles, what ever this is, what ever is wrong with you.... we'll figure it out.  We always do" he tried to reassure me, but it didn't help much.


I let out a sad sigh as I just sat there.  Stiles had been gone for about 5 minutes but I hadn't found any reason to get up.  I had just sat here, staring down at the bland tan carpet, stained with fresh blood from my claws digging into my palms in frustration.

I finally blew a long stream of air past my lips as I stood from the couch, grabbed my jacket, and headed out the door.  There was no point standing around my apartment wallowing in my sadness.  It's much easier to do it at the bar where I can pretend to drown my sorrows in alcohol.  Too bad I can't get drunk.

I plodded down the stairs and as I opened the door to the outside, a wave of different smells.  Blood, salty tears, anxiety and fear.  My spine went ridged at the smell and I froze in the doorway, focusing my ears to get a better sense of the situation.

"Look Stiles, what ever this is, what ever is wrong with you.... we'll figure it out.  We always do" I heard the voice of Stiles friend, Scott I'm sure.

"I don't even remember Scott..." I heard Stiles whisper and it tore at my heart how sad it sounded "how the hell are we supposed to figure something out that I can't even remember!"  My feet began moving forward before I even knew what I was doing and then I was standing a few feet from the two of them.  Stiles was a mess on the asphalt, covered in blood and tears.

"What happened?  Are you guys okay?  Stiles, are you okay?" I quizzed urgently as I hurried over to them.

"Oh Mr. Hale, thank god" Scott let out a relieved breath "there's something wrong with Stiles.  I think he has contracted some kind of disease or something.  I saw him drinking Jay's -"

"Jay?" I cut him off "please tell me you aren't referring to Jay Parker."

"Yeah, Jay Parker, how did you know?" Scott nodded.

"I'm not even going to get into it" I sighed before crouching down to Stiles level "Hey, Stiles, you can calm down.  Everything is going to be okay now, I can help you get to the bottom of this."  I grabbed his face between my hands, wiping at his tears with my thumbs.  I knew Scott was watching, but I didn't really care at the moment.

Stiles just kept rocking back and forth, but I still managed to get a small nod out of him.  I slowly slid my hands under his arms and helped him to his feet.  I tossed my apartment key to Scott and he easily caught it, giving me a questioning look.

"I'm gonna carry Stiles up, we can talk about what happened once we get to my apartment" I explained "I just need you to get the door.  I live on the third floor.  I show you which door when we get up there.  He just nodded, and with that he led me up the stairs and unlocked my apartment for me.  I slowly lowered Stiles onto the couch and grabbed his shaking hands in mine.

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