🐺Who's that homophobe? Iiiiiiiiiiiiit's Dave!🧼

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Raj: How many people on the show do you think were homophobic?

Wayne: Hopefully none Rajie

Gina: Dave was probably homophobic IMO

Caleb: who tf is dave?

Bowie: he was the germophobic weirdo who constantly cut Sky off when she was trying to tell him she had a bf

Gina: And then people started victimizing him

Caleb: he sounds like a dick

Gina: trust, he was


Gina: 💀 💀 💀

Bowie: Ezekiel was probably homophobic too, coz he's verrrrrry backwards in his thinking.

Emma: same with Chase

Gina: tHe WiNnEr ShOuLd Be A gUy

Priya: son of a bitch

Gina: Julia might be homophobic

Julia: tf? no im not

Gina: you described MK and me as 'stupid lesbians'

Damien: *MK and I

Gina: dont turn into Courtney/ Trent in every TD chatfic

Julia: I literally just picked the first thing that applies to both of you that came into my mind

Gina: You could have said superiors 🙄 🙄 🙄

Bowie: slay queen 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾

Wayne: 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼

Raj: 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼

Julia: fuck ur self

Julia: anyway, im not homophobic

Julia: Im pansexual and im not a self hater

Gina: nice.

Julia liked 'nice'

Bowie: tf?

Gina: lmao

Priya: confirmed LGBTQIA+ people in the chat: Julia, Bowie, Raj, Scary Girl, MK, Gina, me

Millie: You're homosexual?

Priya: yeah. im bi

Julia: -your self

Millie: fuck off. you can't talk bitch. The only way a person would touch you is with a taser.

Bowie: ^protective GF

Millie: I have no comment.

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