🏳️‍🌈dear theodosia... stop shitting your pants. why the fuck did i have a kid?😭

50 4 1

Zee: wats every1 doing

Bowie: playing 'try and make gina cry'

Priya: uhhhhhh, what's that?

Bowie: exactly what is sounds like

MK: i won.

Bowie: what?

MK: I put hamilton and skipped to Dear Theodosia

Bowie: shit, why didnt I think of that?

Priya: can you all not swear so much?

Julia: dOn'T bUlLy PeOpLe, ThAt'S lItTeRaLlY sO mEaN

Lauren: bite your tongue or I'll rip it out.

Bowie: slay

Lauren: OKI

Lauren is offline


Julia is offline

Zee: sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Zee: whyre u making G cry?

Bowie: random game we play as she's only ever cried like, five times

MK: seven actually

Bowie: same thing.

Damien: its really not

Nichelle replying to 'seven actually'

MK: Fucl yourself

Damien: * F*ck

Bowie: why're you censoring it? that isn't the real F word

Nichelle: there's another?

Bowie: yeh

Bowie: it's a homophobic slur

Bowie: got called it a lot in high school

Gina: on a completely unrelated note, I got really good at boxing

Zee: GJ

Raj replied to 'got called it a lot in high school'
fuck them

Bowie hearted 'fuck them'


i have no ideas and im writign this at 3am

i need sleep



look both ways when you cross the street

word count: 210

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