💅👑❤️‍🔥Wi Ha-Joon is my FUCKING HUSBAND 👏🥰✨

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Bowie: who's everyone's celebrity crush?

Damien: Winona Ryder

Wayne: Hayley Wickenheiser

Gina: can remember that name but can't remember the second syllable of mine.

Priya: bet Ripper's is A*drew T*te or some shit

Ripper: um, NO

Priya: so he's just your muse? Got it

Millie: lol

Priya: thanks Millie

MK: ^gay, and Christian Slater

Wayne: aren't you gay?

Emma: and isn't he like seventy or something?

MK: I'm bi, and I mean back when he was in heathers

Damien: which Winona Ryder was also in.

Emma: she was also in Beetlejuice

Damien: I know.

Julia: fuck, who played the sexy detective in squid game? He's mine.

Author added Emily

Emily: Wi Ha-Joon, and same

Author kicked Emily

Damien: WHAT THE HELL??????

Gina: yeah, we're gonna move on.



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My husbandddddd

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My husbandddddd

MK: he has a wife

Gina: and a kid

Julia: they can go die in a hole.

Bowie: scary girl acting MF

Julia: stereotype.

Bowie: Kim k wannabe

Julia: you've probably memorised Glee

Bowie: owning a white jeep and a Stanley doesn't give you a personality

Julia: 'i LiKeD tAyLoR sWiFt BeFoRe ShE wAs EvEn PoPuLaR' see, that was my impression of a BASIC BITCH LIAR

Bowie: mind smiling? Yellows my favourite colour.

Julia: I kin JD, will you be my Heather Chandler? I'll make you drinks 😇

Bowie: lemme guess, these are in your recent emojis? 👏✨👑❤️‍🔥💅🥰

Julia: mind lending me some of the bleach you drench your hair in? I saw a photo of you, and need to burn my eyes out.

Priya: that fact that I literally have tea right now

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