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Bowie (Snowie❄️)/ Raj (My boo 💙)

Snowie❄️: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj

My boo 💙: yeah?

Snowie❄️: I saw on insta that theres some anti queer protest happening like, 40 mins away. you wanna go kiss in front of them?

My boo 💙: ooooooo, yeah

Snowie❄️: yessssssssssssssss

My boo 💙: should we invite Gina and MK?

Snowie❄️: oml, you are a fucking genius

My boo 💙: Thanks 💜

Snowie❄️: kk, i'll text G and MK, you go buy glitter to throw at the homophobes

My boo 💙: kk

Snowie❄️: k, love you. see you when i pick you up! 💙💙💙

My boo 💙: love you too! 💜💜💜💜

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