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Alex: Scarlett's washing the dishes and I just heard her say 'who do you work for? What's your contact?' as she repeatedly shoved a glass under the water.
Gina: At least she's having fun?

MK: Do you know that if you break a bone, it will typically heal back stronger than it was before?
Scarlett: So, what you're saying is I should break every bone in my body until I become invincible?
Alex: *distressed* SCARLETT, DO NOT! 

Ella, trying their first ever cup of coffee: I am ENERGY!
Alex, an avid coffee drinker, on their twelfth cup of the day: Someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds.

Scarlett: Is MK out here?
Gina: No..?
Scarlett: *walking up to her room. * Ok...
Gina: that was weird.
MK: *slamming front door open* YOU THREW ME OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW! 

Alex: *Walks in on Scarlett holding a flamethrower*
Alex: ...
Alex: I'm just going to assume what you're about to do is entirely legal.
Scarlett: of course. Entirely.
Alex: Right. Wasn't here. Didn't see. Couldn't have stopped you.
Scarlett: Thanks Alex. Love you.

Scarlett: You don't have to deal with me. I know I'm a handful.
Alex: I have two hands. 

*Not technically the bestie boos, but like... I love HSMTMTS. And This scene.*
Raj: *After walking in on Bowie changing* If I had know you were in your boxers I would have come way sooner...
Raj: LATER! I WOULD HAVE COME LATER! I'M STILL TALKING! AND LOOKING! *Awkwardly smacks hands over eyes*

Gina: It's called cauliflower, not ghost broccili
Alex: *staring at the wall. * I know what I saw

MK: I got grounded a whole week just for being home late.
Scarlett: Well, you deserve it for getting everyone's hopes up and then getting home anyway.  

Gina: do you like this candle? It's called Champagne toast
MK: it's nice, but next time can we get one that smells like regular toast?
Gina: *Sigh* no.

Lydia: I will not carry the trash to the bins.
Scarlett: You think you've got it bad? I carried trash for nine fucking months.

MK: Hey, you wanna see a butterfly?
Alex: sure.
Scarlett: NO-
MK: *yeets a stick of butter across the kitchen* 
Gina: Majestic. 

Alex: *Punches Eric in the face in All Stars* 
Scarlett: Well, woah. You can punch real good. 

MK: You might want to stay here, but I'm going to Pheonix with Gina.
Gina: You can't go to Pheonix with me MK, it's in Arizona.
MK: Oh yeahhhhhhhhhh. 
Scarlett: why can't MK go to Arizona?
MK: Let's just say there might be a warrant for my arrest there. And in Ohio. 
MK: And some other states I can't remember.
Alex: Well, you just need to learn the song I made up for you.
Alex: *Singing* What are the states that MK can't go? Arizona, Utah and Ohio
Scarlett: Oh my- 
Alex; *Singing. * Three more states where MK can't be, Texas, New Hampshire and Tennessee. 
MK: *Singing* I'm also not welcome in Euroooooope.

Alex: *Eating a cinnamon roll*
Scarlett: Cannibalism.
Alex: *Innocent confused chewing.*

Scarlett: Alex, there's a rat in the house
Alex: sweetheart, we've talked about the name calling-
Scarlett: Not MK, there's an actual rat

Gina: watcha reading?
MK: Homework.
Gina: *Eats it.* what homework?
MK: Thank you

Alex: never break someone's heart. They only have one of those.
Scarlett: Break their bones instead. They have 206 of those.

Scarlett: it's unhealthy to eat after 7pm
MK: *eats cake at three am* Well fortunately, time is an illusion. 

Alex: Synchronize your watches.
Gina: Don't know how.
Scarlett: I don't own a watch
MK: Time is a construct

Scarlett when Max/ Courtney and Alejandro exist: Well. Guess I picked the wrong time to be a human being.

Scarlett: dear past self, you fucking idiot. 

MK: G, I would follow you to the ends of the Earth with only minor complaining. 

Gina: I didn't ask to be born perfect. 
Gina: I demanded to. 

Alex: But there's one special thing that tells us the holiday season is here... 
MK: Frostbite. 
Scarlett: Exams. 
Gina: Cookies. 
MK: High reindeer.
Scarlett: a fat old stalker in the chimney 
Gina: killing trees
MK: having to deal with that one uncle at the christmas party

Alex: *Listening the World Burn from mean girls* 
Alex: *Randomly flies to his feet and runs out of the room* 
Gina and Scarlett: Uhhh... 

Aleandro: *Trying to flirt with Scarlett in TDWT* So, how if the most perfect person in the world today? 
Scarlett: *Turns to Alex* How are you? 
Alex: I'm good. 
Scarlett: *Turns back to Alejandro.* He's good, thank you for asking. 

Scarlett: do you ever feel the universe is cold and lonely and nobody cares if you live or if you die and what's the point of even trying, since you're only going to end with disappointment? 
Alex: I just asked you if you had a good day 

A/n, quote by Eddie perfect. Listen to the beetlejujce cut songs. Mama would, Deaths not great, the hole, and goodbye Emily Deetz are all songs my oc Emily would sing (with a few tweaks in the lyrics.)

*when they're watching Heathers and Dead Girl Walking comes on* 
Scarlett: *Puts hands over Alex's ears for duration of the song* 
MK and Gina: *Passionatly making out*

Julia: does anyone else smell that?
Gina: *Cooking* it is the smell of your doom.

Alex: I counted sixty nine 
Everyone: *Tries to stifle laughter* 
Alex: what? 
Scarlett: N-nothing... 
Alex: Was it something I said? 
Gina: You don't want to know little brother. 

Scarlett's brother: *Touches Scarlett's hair* 
Scarlett's brother: ummm, why? *Touches it again* 
Scarlett: *Hyperventilates* 

MK: I want to wake up with you everyday for the rest of my life. 
Gina: I wake up at six AM every day to study. 
MK: I want to see you at some point everyday for the rest of my life. 

Idfk, someone: What'd you guys get voted as in the year book?
Gina: Nicest smile. 
Alex: Best personality. 
MK: Most likely to start a bar fight 
Scarlett: Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one. 

MK: Sarcasm is the brain's natural defense against the less intelligent. 

Scarlett: Ace of spades. 
Gina: Pick up four. 
MK: Charzard, I choose you. 
Alex: what the fuck are we playing? 

Gina: you need to make up. 
Scarlett: Unfuck you or whatever. 
MK: Apology accepted?

word count: 1051

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