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lmao, saw an incorrect quotes book with beetlejuice characters, doing it with Scarlett, Alex, Mk and Gina.

MK: *Trying to reach something on the top shelf.* Gina, I need a boost.
Gina: Alright. *Claps.* Go for it, you can do it, you're the best. whoohoo.

Scarlett: Alex sneezed earlier and i accidently said shut the fuck up instead of bless you
Gina: how does that even happen?

MK: You're a flirt.
Gina: Au contraire, flirts flirt with everyone. I only flirt with you.

Gina: you shouldn't be drinking so much coffee
Scarlett: coffee cures depression
Alex: *After his fourth cup of coffee* yes! more expresso less depresso
Gina: *Taking the cup off Alex's hands* no more coffee for you

Scarlett: My whole life is a dark room-
Alex: With me! yay! *Hugs*

MK: What do you think the height of stupidity is?
Scarlett: how tall are you?

Alex: I'm gonna make coffee just like you.
Scarlett: Dark? Bitter? tasteless? Not up to societies expectations?
Alex: *Disturbed.* I was gonna say sweet...

Alex: Ok, so we need to light five black candles at midnight in a salt circle with black crystals, say this incantation, and maybe the ghost will leave.
Scarlett, Gina and MK: *Banging pots and pans* GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE, YOU UNDEAD MOTHERFUCKER!

MK: It's quick, it's easy and it's free, pouring river water into your socks.
Scarlett: why would I do that?
MK: It's quick, it's easy and it's free.

Alex: Scarlett, what's wrong?
Scarlett: *Sleep deprived and sobbing in the kitchen* I was trying to make scrambled eggs, but i went too far and scrambled my life.

Scarlett: so, how's life?
Alex: I'm stresso, depresso, and on my eighth cup of expresso
Gina: *Manifestation of sisterly panic.* NO!!

Alex: You're smiling, did something good happen?
Scarlett: i can't just smile because I feel like it?
Gina: *Frantically running into the room.* MK fell down the stairs
MK: *In the distance* SHE FUCKING PUSHED ME!

Scarlett: *After getting one answer wrong on kahoot and slipping from first place to seventh* Someone please ka-shoot me.

MK: *Holding a bag of crisps* Do you desire a crisped potato?
Gina: don't mind if I do- wait a minute! Crisped potato? why are you fancy talking?
MK: how dare you madam, I speak the common tongue.
Gina: There it is again! You only do that when you're lying or hiding something!
MK: Blasphemy! Slander even!

Alex: one difference between Scarlett and I is that I do absolutely nothing to mask my clinginess, while Scarlett pretends it's a coincidence she's in the same room as you 97% of the time.
Scarlett: *Laying on Alex who is stroking her hair.* this means nothing.

Gina: Do you think i could fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?
Scarlett: you're a hazard to society.
MK: And a coward. Try twenty.

Alex: Scarlett, you have to pick your battles with MK
Scarlett: One of the battles I picked was to stop MK from running plastic tubes all over the house and placing hamsters in them.
Scarlett: she was going to call it tube city.

Scarlett: I want to fucking die
Alex: language!
Scarlett: sorry.
Scarlett: hecky hecky, I crave deathy.

Alex: where are you going Scarlett?
Scarlett: well that depends Alex. When i die, probably hell, but right now I'm going to the kitchen.

Scarlett: Let me rephrase, did you do anything productive today?
MK: *Offended* I fail to see how our pillow fort is not productive.
Alex: *Also offended.* I can fit us and my three cats in here.

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