not even my friend can help out cause you're a hard headed motherfucker
i don't even know you,
i hung out with you twice and everytime our lips touchedi wanted more
i lied and you knew i did
i just didn't want you to see it like thatit's the way you asked my friend what she was doing that day
hurt me a bit
i felt bad,
but i knew you weren't good for me deep downi don't understand why you hid your feelings,
when i felt the same waywhen you said
you didn't careanymore
that hit,
cause only if you were to tell mei went to parties in your town cause i wanted to see you more cause i knew it was far for you to come see me
i would stay the night at my friends house and hoped you would want to see me the next morning,
but you had work
i felt confused
was it because you wanted sex this whole time?
because you felt what i felti wanted to see you,
but i had to ignore youmy gut tells me something,
i'm gonna listen to ita man for the streets can never rock my heart
a man who had little to no patience in the end
i don't know what to say
i miss the man i called monster this whole time
but you took my mind of the monster,
someone i wanted to end up trusting one day,
but i knew deep downeven dreams told me
god has it written,
if you come back,
you willbut truly,
all this timeit was the monster i wanted
what's out there ( a poetry story )
Poetrydeception is never ending, but so is the reality of my life read pay attention focus to every word i say welcome to your chapter