my new bully

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now this,
this is something i've waited to write about

i found the perfect time

i feel 17 again,
with people pushing me,
spitting in my hair,
rumours spreading
fighting in the change room
fights in the parking lot
hallway fights

i am reliving 17
how did i get here?

in no way shape or form,
i am perfect

never been
never will

but this distraught human being
thinks she is

you have the look,
but the inside is pure evil and hatred

i've never in my life seen a girl act this way
treat people like that

treat me like that

and i've had it bad

this girl,
doesn't know me,
never met me in her life

and some how,
i'm the villain

i got my revenge,
and honestly

she fucking deserves it,

she made ways to get under my skin,

making fun of the way i talk,
who i am as a person
what supposedly she hears about me
shoving the felon in my face
calling me names

you can think of anything,
and she has done that to me

i never been disliked by someone because of a boy
that's silly

and makes her silly

she couldn't fight her battles,
and gave out my number to everyone and i was bullied all night by people i did not even know

i got someone to fight mine,
and she had a lot of bullshit to say

it's my story
my side
my vision
my feelings
i knew my motive

i did not care

imagine talking about someone you don't like
when i never did anything to you

she felt sorry for the bullying,
then one day

she's back to making my life a living fucking hell

never believed her,
not a thing she said

but from someone hating me
over a man that cheats on her says a lot

she cheated on him,
and claims to be in love

love isn't love anymore
woman aren't young ladies anymore
men aren't men anymore

she threatened me,
but hasn't and will never cause damage

she's a coward and a loser in fucking one

she is not human,
she's the devils daughter

the crown of thorns

the cards will never be played out with her

for someone that believes her own lies,
she's gonna have a hard life ahead

i've always been kind,
and will continue to be kind

recruiting people to not like me will not get you far
people will believe anything but allah will always be on my side and always will

things happen for a reason,
god really did test my strength the past 3 years and what i can tell you is that i am stronger then ever

i've been through hell and back as a little girl
but never once did i fall

i always got up and continued my journey when i thought i wouldn't make it to 18

hating doesn't make you look good and never will
and for someone who claims to have the world

you sure aren't treating others like the world

you're selfish
self inflicted
you're a bully and will forever be an distraught human being in my eyes

talking about me when you literally don't like me is just fucking weird

your sun won't be shining for long
just wait till your time comes

because karma doesn't miss anyone

what goes around,
comes around

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