Chapter 5- Danny

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Chapter 5- Danny

After a few minutes, they pulled into a parking lot. Ashley looked at Andy and grinned.

“Am I missing something?” Abbie asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Nope, just picking up a friend,” Ashley replied. CC ran out of the building and to the car. Abbie could tell he was extra hyper.

“Oh great,” Abbie muttered.

“Come on. You know you love him,” Ashley smiled.

“Yup. Gotta love CC!” Andy added. Abbie nodded in agreement.

“I do, but does he always have to be so hyper?” she asked.

“If he wasn’t hyper, he wouldn’t be CC!” Ashley laughed. CC opened the door and climbed into the back seat next to Abbie.

“Hi!” he exclaimed, slightly out of breath. Abbie pat him on the head.

“Good morning, Crazy Child,” she greeted as they once again drove out onto the busy L.A. road.

“Please tell me there won’t be anymore surprise stops,” Abbie said.

“Nope! We’re off to practice now!” Ashley exclaimed.

“Over enthusiastic much?” Abbie asked.

“Have you met Ashley before?” Andy asked.

“Come on! It’s Warped Tour! The entire filled with nothing but partying and music!” Ashley defended.

“Plus D.R.U.G.S. and Asking Alexandria are coming!” Andy added.

“Never heard of them before, but it sounds fun,” Abbie smiled.

“You will soon,” Ashley grinned, an evil tint in his eyes. They pulled into another parking lot and stopped. They all got out of Andy’s car. Abbie saw Sammi and Jinxx and waved.

“Ready for the meeting?” Sammi asked. Abbie looked at Andy and Ashley.

“Meeting? You said practice! What’s going on here, guys?” she demanded.

“Warped tour meeting!” CC exclaimed.

“For everyone going on tour. That includes you,” Andy added, poking

Abbie in to stomach. She giggled. Sammi and Jinxx started to walk to the building.

“Well if it isn’t Andy Biersack!” a man with wavy red hair that fell just to his shoulders and stood to about 5’8” remarked in an accent Abbie couldn’t recognise.

“Hey Danny!” Andy grinned.

“Come hug me you paper-eatin’ bastard!” the man, Danny, exclaimed, pulling him in for a hug.

“Watch the language, ginger! We got a kid with us!” Ashley exclaimed, jokingly putting his arm protectively around Abbie. Danny looked at Abbie and rose an eyebrow.

“Damn, Ashley! I knew you liked younger girls, but she’s like… 12!”

“13, actually,” Abbie corrected flatly.

“And she’s Andy’s daughter,” Ashley added.

“Dude! Is there something you want to tell me?” Danny asked, looking at Andy.

“I adopted her a few weeks ago?” Andy said, almost like a question.

“Hey! C’mon! We’re going to be late!” Jinxx called. Abbie looked between Andy, Ashley, CC, and Danny, then ran ahead to catch up with Jinxx and Sammi.

“Hey there! I see you’re rockin’ the new clothes!” Sammi exclaimed.

“Yeah, I love them! Thanks again for helping me,” Abbie smiled.


“Is it ok if I hang out with you during the meeting?” Abbie asked, looking at Danny. “Those dudes scare me.”

“Sure!” Sammi smiled. “I don’t blame you,” she added in a whisper, causing Abbie and Jinxx to laugh.

“Hey! Little Biersack! Where’d ya’ go?” Danny called.

“Maybe we should head inside now,” Abbie suggested nervously.

“Good idea,” Sammi agreed, running inside the tall building. There were hundreds of people packed into the lobby. Abbie saw a man with red eyes, lavender and black hair, and tiger stripes painted on his face, who winked at her, and a taller man with black hair shaved on both sides that stuck his tongue out at her. She quickly looked away and walked into a man who didn’t seem to notice, or just didn’t care. He looked like a lot of the other people there, tall, black clothes, long, black hair, and thick rings of eyeliner around his eyes. Sammi quickly led her to a spot where Jinxx and Jake were standing.

“Long time no see!” Jake smiled.

“Yeah. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to catch up on tour,” Abbie laughed.

“There you are!” Andy exclaimed behind her, placing his hand on her shoulder. She jumped and turned around, but relaxed when she saw his warm, welcoming smile.

“We thought you ran away or somethin’” Danny added, popping up behind Andy.

“Dude, go find your band. The meeting’s going to start soon,” Andy said, pushing Danny away. Danny muttered something about not being appreciated, but obeyed. Abbie let out a sigh of relief.

“He’s really not that bad once you get to know him,” Andy shrugged.

“If you say so,” Abbie replied.

“Trust me. You’ll like him by the end of Warped Tour. I’ll make sure of it,” he said with an evil grin. Abbie opened her mouth to speak, but the meeting started and cut her off. She looked up at the man speaking and listened intently, even though most of what the man said had nothing to do with her.

As the meeting moved on, Abbie found herself growing more and more uninterested in what the man was saying. She started to hum the melody of the song Andy sang to her when she had ran away from camp. She could still remember how lost in the song he was when he sang. She

smiled to herself.

“You have a beautiful voice,” someone whispered in her ear. She turned around and saw Andy. She blushed and smiled. Had she really been that loud?

“You still remember the song, too,” he smiled. She nodded. It was hard not to. It was a beautiful song, and they way Andy had sang it made her want to get up and join in, even though she had never heard it before then.

“It’s too amazing to forget,” she replied. He smiled and turned back to the announcer, who was talking about the stage times and meet and greet schedules. Abbie could tell that the tour was going to be a lot more fun than she anticipated it to be.

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