Chapter 32- Let the Horrors Begin

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Chapter 32- Let the Horrors Begin

Abbie gasped for breath and opened her eyes, trying to sit up, but she couldn’t. She was tied down to a table. She took a deep breath and tried to get her bearings. The room smelled like rubbing alcohol and smoke. She screamed when she saw the ceiling. It was covered in posters of Andy, Ashley, Jake, and CC. Even Ella had her own spot, but Jinxx wasn’t there. She furrowed her brow and shivered. It took her a moment to realize she was only in a sport’s bra and shorts. She heard a door open and shut, and the shuffling of feet.

“Oh good, you’re up,” a voice said. Abbie strained her neck to see an average-looking man that looked to be around nineteen. He had blond hair that was styled to stick up at the top and shaved around the sides, and wore cameo pants similar to the other soldiers, but he was shirtless, showing off his impressive-looking muscles. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is not important. You’re name, however, is. And since I know you won’t tell me, I have it right here,” he said, holding up a clipboard. “Abbie, is it? Oh, the adopted daughter of the oh-so cool Black Veil Brides. I was wondering why they had all these ugly posters up around here,” he said mockingly. “Now, listen here, Little Biersack, I’m sure you’ve been through this type of thing before. Now, I know you can’t see this, but right here,” he pointed to a table just out of Abbie’s view, “is a table full of pointy, shiny, and hard objects, all used to hurt people. And you, from what I can see, aren’t a person. You aren’t even an animal. You’re a thing,” he spat, looking back down at his clipboard. “Oh, you turn into a horsy? That’s great. I’m gonna go to town a little tiny Biersack pony,” he grinned. Abbie closed her eyes.

“I believe that we all fall down sometimes,” she whispered, thinking of Andy’s sweet, deep voice to try to drown out the man’s.

“What’s that? You want music? No problem!” he pressed a button on a remote, blasting “The Mortician’s Daughter.”

“No! Please, no! Don’t do this to me he’s my own father!” Abbie screamed. He only turned it up.

“See this thing?” he asked, walking up to her and whispering in her ear. Abbie violently shook her head, trying to get away from him. “I’m gonna use this to cut you,” he smiled, shoving a knife in her face so she could see it. “But where to start? You’re body’s surprisingly clean. I’m surprised. You’d think the last Blaktarian would fight back, especially considering you’re the last Fallen Angel. Yeah, that’s right. You’re from the planet Blaktar. Ironically named, isn’t it. And what about your precious daddy? He’s not actually you’re dad, he’s you’re brother,” he smiled, grazing the knife over her stomach, causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand. She widened her eyes and looked at Andy.

“He’s not my-, but he’s my… I’m a…?” Abbie asked. He sliced the knife through her stomach, cutting the skin and painting it, as well as her and him, in her own bright red blood. She screamed as “Lost It All” came on.

“Oh, my favorite song by the girls!” he grinned, licking some of the blood off the knife and smiling. “Now, where next? Wrists, perhaps? Is the emo sad she can’t cut herself? Don’t worry, I can do it for you!” He slowly dragged the knife over her left wrist, slowly cutting through the layers of flesh. Abbie cried out in pain, making him smile. “What? I didn’t do it hard enough? Not deep enough for you? I’m sorry, I’m not used to this kind of thing. Let me try again,” he said, cutting just below it. Abbie bit her bottom lip so hard she started to taste the iron-filled liquid. “Helping me? Isn’t that kind! Come on. Little Biersack, why aren’t you healing yourself? I know you can. You’ll just bleed out and die if you don’t. I’m ok with that; you’ll just come back to life, but come on. You can’t give up already, can you? We all fall down sometimes, don’t we? Isn’t that what the fag of a brother of yours says? What ever happened to Never give in, never back down?” As if on queue, “Never Give In” came on, making tears spill out of Abbie’s eyes. “Aww, don’t cry. You want to show off those pretty eyes, don’t you? They look just like Andy’s. Look at them.” He gripped her face and forced her to look up at Andy, who was looking right back at her. He looked just like he did when she’d first met him. She closed her eyes. “Go on, look,” he grinned, shaking her face. “He’s watching you, watching you suffer. All of them are. Looking at how weak you are. You can’t even withstand a few cuts. Wait until we get to the fun parts.

“Why are you doing this?” Abbie asked.

“Oh, right. I did forget to mention why, didn’t I? I’m sorry, I just figured you’d refuse, so I’d just go right ahead and start. We all know you know who the last creature is, and you’re gonna tell us,” he smirked.

“So, you want to see me heal myself?” she asked, narrowing her eyes and smiling slightly. He smirked. She closed her eyes and her entire body lit up, healing her wounds. She opened her eyes, and looked at the man. He stood there, smirking at her. She tried to break the restraints, but couldn’t. She stopped glowing and looked at the metal that held her. She tilted her head and furrowed her brow.

“Surprised?” he smiled. “You should be. This is the strongest metal in the world. Nothing can cut through it. It took about ten years to get each individual piece to look like this.” The music stop and a knock on the door echoed through out the room. “Oh goody, dinner time.” He walked over to the door and opened it. Abbie heard hushed whispers and closed her eyes, waiting for what was to come next.

The door slammed shut, startling the young girl, and the man walked over to her. She felt something cold on her stomach and looked at what it was. A tray with a few pieces of bread and a cup met her eye. The man took a piece of bread and ripped it in half, sending crumbs spewing all over her body. He held it up to her mouth. Abbie refused, turning her head away from the man. “Oh, come on now Little Biersack. We need to keep that fat belly nice and round, don’t we?” he smiled and forced her head towards him. He opened her mouth and shoved the piece of bread in. Abbie coughed violently. She gagged and threw up all over herself.

“Aww, now we’re gonna have to clean you up,” he sighed, shoving another piece of bread into her mouth. This time, he forced her jaw to chew and made her swallow. He then picked up the cup and placed it to her lips, forcing the hot, steamy liquid down her throat. It tasted like water, but it was hard for her to tell with the boiling hot substance burning the inside of her mouth. Once the cup was empty, he put it as well as the tray on the table and pulled a hose over to her.

“Please don’t! No, I’m fine, really! I’ll- I’ll tell you who it is!” she exclaimed. He put the hose down and rose an eyebrow.

“Will you now?” he asked, smiling slightly. She nodded.

“It’s-” Abbie cut herself off with a big, loud sneeze that made her body jump off the table and turn into a horse, breaking the restraints in the process. His smile disappeared and he grabbed a gun off the table. “Wait! Don’t shoot I didn’t do it on purpose!” Abbie screamed, shrinking back down to a human. “See? Go ahead, put me back on the table.” He looked from her to the table, then put his gun down. He grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her against the wall, chaining her hands over her head.

“Do it again and you’ll never see anyone you love,” he growled, looking her in the eyes. She bobbed her head up and down quickly. “Good,” he said, taking a large piece of paper off the table and putting it up in front of her. It was the same poster as the one on the ceiling. Once again, Jinxx was missing. He walked out of the room and shut the door, turning off the lights and leaving her in the cold, dark room.

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