Chapter 14- Stage Fright

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Chapter 14- Stage Fright

When it was time for the guys to get ready, Ella and Lauren took Abbie to watch the rest of IAMX’s set. By the time they got there they only had time for two more songs, but Abbie didn’t care. She enjoyed herself, cheering with the other fans and singing along with the parts she knew. She loved seeing people perform and how lost they got in their music. She wondered what it felt like to stand on a stage and play your own creation in front of hundreds of screaming people that adored you more than you would have ever thought possible. Even after the band left the stage and the three girls made their way to the Main Stage, they could hear fans chanting IAMX’s name.

By the time they made it to the VIP Area, Sleeping with Sirens had already finished and Sammi, somehow, was already there waiting for them. Before they could get comfortable, CC walked on stage, kicking off the entire show. When they started playing Lost it All, Andy walked over and held Abbie’s hand.

“You ok?” he whispered. She looked up at him and smiled. She even sang along with him during the chorus, making him smile and look at her in a way she hadn’t seen him look before: with the pride a father has when he looks at his first born child for the first time. And for what seemed like the first time in her life, she felt like a daughter. Not just any daughter, but his daughter. In that moment, everyone else disappeared. The security guards, the fans, even Sammi, and it was just them. It all vanished too soon as the song that had a new meaning to Abbie ended. Andy let go of Abbie’s hand and stood up. He looked at the rest of the band and nodded. They nodded their heads slightly in return. Abbie turned to Sammi with a questioning look. She shrugged, just as confused as her

“Everyone has that special someone in their life, whether it be a lover or a gold fish, that they’d be willing to sacrifice everything for, even their own life. I’m about to introduce you to the person that’s like that in my life,” Andy smiled, looking at Abbie. The rest of the band left the stage. Jinxx came back with an acoustic guitar. Abbie’s heart raced faster than her legs would ever be able to carry her.

“Come on,” Andy whispered, bending down and offering her his hand.

“Are you sure?” she asked, taking it uneasily. He nodded and flashed her a smile that no one would be able to say no to. Before she could protest, one of the security guards lifted her onstage.

“Here to sing Mortician’s Daughter with me is my own daughter, Abbie Biersack,” Andy announced. The crowd cheered, as if they had been waiting for this for a long time. Abbie’s head shot in his direction.

“What?” she squeaked. He handed her a microphone.

“Just relax. You know the words. Let them flow through you. Let the music take over,” he whispered. She took the microphone and nodded nervously.

“Hey BVB Army,” she said quietly into the microphone. “I’m Abbie, and I’m a little new to this, so go easy on me.” She nodded to Jinxx and he started to strum the beautiful melody. Abbie took a deep breath and started, singing in perfect harmony with her dad. She smiled as she sang, the crowd singing along with them edging her on. She loved hearing them chant, cheer, and sing, supporting their sound and making it stronger. She was truly floating on cloud nine and she never wanted to fall back down to Earth.

The song ended way sooner than Abbie wanted it to. Still, the genuine smile that painted her face stayed there and she hugged Andy, causing the crowd to go wild with cheers and screams.

“Thank you guys! You’re the best fanbase ever!” she exclaimed as she left the stage. A tan, shirtless man with shoulder length grey hair and a beard was waiting for her. She assumed he was the stage manager.

“Great job, kid,” he smiled as he took the microphone from her.

“Thanks!” she exclaimed.

“Hey, do you know where Ke-” Abbie’s eyes widened in fear as the scary man from breakfast walked up to them. He looked down at her with a smirk.

“Uh… I’m just going to go, uh… bye!” Abbie said hastily, running away from backstage and back to the V.I.P. area.

“Great job!” Ella, Lauren, and Sammi exclaimed in unison, hugging her once she rejoined them.

“Thanks,” she smiled, checking to make sure the man hadn’t followed her. To her relief, he hadn’t.

“Hey, what band goes on after them?” Abbie asked Sammi thoughtfully.

“Motionless in White, why?” Sammi replied.

“Just wondering.”

“Andy said he wanted to catch their show today, actually. That’s why they had an early meet n’ greet. You should stick around with us!” Sammi added. Abbie nodded. It wasn’t like she had a choice, anyway. She couldn’t even find her way to the merch tent, how was she going to be able to head back to the tour bus herself?

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