Ch. 2 - Peachy Keen

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I sit patiently on the...undecorated futon waiting to be greeted by a man named Thomas. I can smell the dust in this room, the air is so thick with it you could cut it with a knife. This is odd. This is a strange situation I've put myself into. But I need a place to rest and I need money. Better not look a gift horse in the mouth and all that.

I feel myself sour, feeling the sweat and dust cool against my scalp and skin. Hopefully running my fingers through my hair a few times will alleviate the situation. I doubt it, but it's worth a shot to make myself more presentable.  I wince as my fingers get caught on a few knots as I work my hair from the tips to my roots. My hands dart back into my lap as harsh footsteps are coming from the staircase, getting closer and closer. It feels like a rock is forming in my chest. Nubbins pats my shoulder, giving me a smile that's tight and not at all reassuring. God if this guy doesn't like me I'll be booted for sure.

"The big fella is nice as can be, so don't worry. He's just shy." I nod, the empty reassurance doing little for the swarming bees in my stomach. It feels like my breath is squeezed out of me as Thomas looms into my sight. This man is the size of a bus. His shoulders don't even fit the frame. He has to move sideways to fit! Nubbins beams at the man, flourishing his hands as if to present his brother like a trophy. The trophy in question is staring you down like a mountain lion.

"Tommy, this is our guest! Mama invited her and she'll be helping you clean and care for Grandpa!" I try my best to smile and stand. My legs tremble with the day's work and heat finally taking its toll. I take the moment to look at the man's face properly. Huh.

It looks like he's wearing a mask of old, worn, cowhide. I wonder why he wears it. How long it took him to make it? The man glares me down and I swiftly avert my gaze to my lovely shoes. So interesting these old things. I'm mostly embarrassed than scared now. Ma always told me that staring was rude. I should probably follow her advice a little better. I stick my hand out to greet the behemoth in front of me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Thomas! I've heard good things about you, just hope I can match up to your standards!" Thomas's eyes widen, his mouth opening as if to speak. He mumbles something incomprehensible and grabs my arm roughly, giving it a singular shake before turning tail to the kitchen, his wide back being the only good-bye I receive. My skin stings from where his callouses scraped my arm. I look over to see Nubbins' usual smile, strain even further into a nearly straight line. I pat his arm reassuringly. I'm sure we'll convince him of my worth somehow.
"I'm sure he'll get used ta me in no time. Plus I'm sure he's still busy with yer grandpa and his other work." Nubbins relaxes slightly, his shoulders dropping back into his usual lazy form. "I'll ask Thomas for the tour later, but I'd like to hang these spiffy pictures in my room for now." Nubbins beams at me, racing me out of the living room and upstairs. I catch a glimpse of a metal door next to the staircase. I wonder if that's where Thomas works all day. Nubbins takes me up the stairs and to the end of the hallway, a rickety wooden door greets us both.

"We haven't had guests in a bit, so it's probably dusty as all hell." Nubbins swing the door open, letting me take a peek inside. There's a dresser with a mirror, a stool tucked neatly underneath it, and a queen-sized bed with an old dusty quilt and pillow. "Grandma and Grandpa slept here until they were moved upstairs, Thomas has the room across from you, mine is next to Thomas, Drayton is your neighbor, and Mama sleeps down the hall, away from all us noisy kids." I smile at Nubbins, taking out my new photos.

"It's great Nubbins, ya got any wire I can clip these on?" Nubbins nods, speed-walking to his room and returning with some fishing wire. I try my best to tie it on the nobs of the curtain rod, letting the wire droop a bit before clipping the two pictures in the middle with bobby pins from my pockets. I put my hands on my hips and view our handiwork from afar. Not bad if I do say so myself. I turn to Nubbins. "Feels like home already!" Nubbins opens his mouth to speak when a raggedy truck starts coming up the driveway. The honking of the horn splits the peaceful atmosphere we had created for ourselves.
"We best get down there and help Mama unload the groceries." It's really starting to feel like this day is never gonna end. I jog alongside my new housemate, following him back outside where the beat-up truck awaits. Mama is already handing Thomas the heaviest of the groceries. This seems like the perfect time to make a good impression.

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