Ch. 10 - Uncles, Am I Right?

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The world feels like I'm moving through a bowl of jello as I peel my face off of Thomas's sweaty shirt. He gives me a confused grunt but goes back to bed when I tell him it's time to feed the chickens. Rolling off of my boyfriend, I groan in despair as my body protests and creaks like the old wood floors. Shuffling to the craft room, I open up the cage and grab Tommy's chicken with care, spreading a little seed on the ground to feed it and let it wander for exercise. I have to sweep the floor today anyhow, a little extra dirt meant nothing. Closing the door behind me, I shuffle with my bucket of feed to the coop outside. The chickens cluck in excitement when they see the bucket, rushing toward the feed as soon as it hits the ground. While they're distracted I collect their eggs into the bucket and drop them off in the kitchen for Mama to cook with. I avoid looking out the door where he is now. I can't risk thinking about it.

I go out the front door and head towards my van. I slide the side door open, my eyes scanning lazily for my tool bag. I have a good set of tools for my van, but if their van is a different model I'll have to go through Drayton's set. Pausing my journey to the scrapyard, I notice Thomas feeding the pigs slop. My stomach lurches forward at the thought of what that slop must smell like with its new ingredients.

I ease the tube into their gas tank, pinching the end to cause suction. Their tank was barely filled apparently. I sigh as I slosh your jerrycan around. It'll get me maybe half a mile which is better than nothing around here. I organize some boxes I had to spare and start taking apart the car, bit by bit. My back soon feels like it's collapsing so I head back to the house for some rest. Mama won't want me covering her furniture in oil so I come through the kitchen door.

"Drayton, do you have a light? I need to burn some papers!" I listen closely and hear a confirming grunt from a few rooms away. I wash my hands as best I can while Drayton leaves his lighter next to me. I burn their titles, insurance, and any identification they had. I drop the ashes into the sink, flushing some of my guilt down the drain. I gasp in surprise when Thomas hugs me from behind, sighing. My nose wrinkles when I catch a whiff of him. "Did you mix the manure today?" He chuckles as he holds me closer and I can't help but smile at his antics.

"You do realize the shower here can't get clogged with manure right? We'll have to hose you off outside. If we use that shower with my oil and your funk, Mama will kill us both." Thomas tips his head back with a groan. He hates using the hose, it's nice to drink from but that cold ass water always makes him jump. I rub his shoulders lovingly. "How about I heat us up some water in the wash bin, we'll do an old-fashioned scrub while we listen to your radio." Thomas gives me one of his soft, sweet kisses before helping me fill up and lift the big water pot. We get our own washcloths before setting the warm pot out on an old stump. It's the more covered part of the yard so we strip down and begin washing the grime off. Thomas groans in annoyance that he can't wash the middle of his back so I do it for him. He must've slipped in the manure because his back is covered in brown water.

Mama spooks both of us as she comes out of the house. I slip behind Thomas and he covers his own bits, squealing at his mom in embarrassment.

"Oh hush you two, I've been wiping baby butts since before you two were a thought. Your private parts aren't anything new to me! I invited your uncles Charlie and Monty over so I recommend you finish up your wash down before they're here." Thomas nods and waves his mother away before tipping the now lukewarm water over the both of us. Our towels were hanging on the house and we quickly dry ourselves in the kitchen. I stare at my love's face for as long as I can. He has to let it dry or else his face would get rot again when he put his mask on. The poor man had the angriest and fickle skin I've ever seen. I've never asked how he got hurt as he did. Too many things going on and I know it would just upset him to talk about.

We jump in shock as the front door slams open and Thomas fumbles with his mask straps.

"What the hell is goin' on out here?!" Drayton is grabbed into a tight hug by a disheveled man in a grimey police uniform. Thomas doesn't seem concerned with the man so I relax my posture. A slightly younger-looking gentleman hobbles inside, smiling when he sees Tommy.

"Well if it isn't my big ol' nephew! How's it goin' Bubba! I heard you got yourself a girly!" I smile and wave at the man and he whistles. "Didn't think you had it in ya boy! Makin big steps in life I see, I'm sure you'll make your Mama proud!" Thomas babbles happily and his uncle hugs him, patting his back. The man grabs my hand and shakes it vigorously.

"You can call me Uncle Monty! I'm not around here too often, got my own farm to worry about!" I suddenly remember someone important is missing from this reunion.

"Would you like to see Grandpa? I can bring him down for you if you'd like?" Monty's face lights up and Charlies's face is shocked.

"That old coot is still kickin'?" Monty elbows his brother in the ribs causing him to yelp.

Thomas helps me bring Grandpa downstairs. Grandpa groans and rubs my hand slightly, showing his gratitude. Thomas gives his grandpa a kiss on the head and goes to the kitchen to get his juice. Monty talks to Grandpa gently as Charlie approaches me.

"Can't believe someone as dumb as my nephew got a fine piece of ass like yourself. Thought he was too stupid to use his dick anyhow." Monty and I yell at the same time as Thomas rushes from the kitchen, grabbing his uncle by the collar. Mama barges in, breaking up the fight.

"Charlie, you dirty old drunk! If you're just gonna bully my Tommy you can take your sorry behind back home!" Everyone looks back at Grandpa, who is furiously trying to get out of his chair. Thomas drops Charlie and began soothing his grandpa by rubbing his arms and cooing to him.

Charlie's features pinch with shame and he crumbles his pants in his hands.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get everyone up in a tiff. Especially not peepaw..." Mama huffs and so do I.

"You should know how to treat people with respect, especially Thomas. He does a lot for this family and he might be taking care of you once you're grandpa's age!" Charlie looks at me in a pinched way but nods.

" 'M sorry Bubba. I shouldn't have called ye stupid. You run this farm better than I ever could. Not a lot of choices when it comes to ladies since the factory and schools shut down and moved on. So I'm glad you found someone." Thomas wraps his arm around me and puffs his chest out. I smile at Charlie.

"Since I came around he hasn't been doing it all by himself. I'm just not allowed in the butcher shop since I busted my head cleaning it!" Charlie barks out a laugh rubbing his own head.

"I did that a few times too! Cleaning that damn place is almost as bad as Korea! I got my head busted less there at least!" I thank him for his service sheepishly and he nods his head. "Anyway, not everyone is here. Wanna tell me where Nubbins has run off to this time?" Everyone looks at each other in shock, except Mama. A thick coat of fresh grief fills the air with silence.

"Charlie, Monty, you're gonna have to sit down for this..." Both of their faces fall as they sit on the couch.

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