Ch. 1 - Howdy, Stranger!

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I can't hear anything in this damn car. Nothing except the sound of gravel crunching and my suspension begging for mercy. I don't even know where I'm going in all honesty but some cowboy pointed me down this old dirt road. My bad, I guess

Jesus, my legs and ass are tingling. When aren't they tingling these days? I'm always in this damn van finding work. I'll be damned if I'm ever mistaken for a homebody. Rather shovel shit than spend all my days on my ass. Pops didn't raise a layabout...I need to write him another letter soon.

I feel like I'm melting. Why is Texas so dry? How does anything live around here? Seen and heard all kinds of animals driving 'round here. Can't see much past the fields of sunflowers, though. At least the scenery is nice. I've always liked sunflowers.

Hm? What's that? I see something... or someone in the distance. I squint my eyes to see the hobbling blob on the side of the road. Jesus Christ! HE'S IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! My heart hits my ass as I brake and swerve out of the way. The way my head is spinning, I almost don't notice the man approach my window. I notice him when he's tapping, he don't even look a bit sorry. Hell, he probably doesn't even know I almost hit him. I roll down my window as fast as my arms can crank.

"Are you okay? What in the Lord's name are you doing out in this heat?!" The young man squints at me funny before smiling.

"I, I'm walking home, think you can give me a ride? It's not too far from here!" I shake my head in disbelief. I could be a serial killer and here's this guy asking for a ride! I unlock my passenger side and give him a smile.

"Sure, I'm not in much of a hurry anyway, take the passenger side, I have supplies taking up the back." The stranger climbs into the passenger side, stretching his legs out. "You must be local, do you know if there's a gas station nearby? I'm running kinda low." He flashes me another smile.

"Sure enough, it's by my house! My brother works there with our ma!" I smile back. This guy seems all right. So far, anyway.

"Well, that sounds downright lovely. If they're as good company as you I might not leave." The stranger seems stunned for a second but the comfortable silence assures me that he's not too shy. I turn up the radio when Johny Cash comes on. Hopefully, my new friend has some taste.

We have been driving for a while. I wonder how far this station is. Turning over to my passenger, my vision goes from white to black. I blink hard, stomping on the brake to avoid any unseen potholes. Jesus fucking christ. I look over to make sure my traveling partner hasn't smashed his face into my windshield. He's smiling at me with all teeth, tinkering with a camera. Now that I'm not blind, I can see it's a pretty new one, looks like a decent model. Must be the creative type. He seems ecstatic as he peels the developed picture away, his mouth forming an open, toothy smile like a child at Christmas. He puts the slightly blurred photo in my face, a nervous look crossing his face.

"It's $'s a good picture! It's a good picture..." Oh I see. Must be how he gets his money. I smile and take the picture from his hand. It's a little blurry but nothing too bad.

"I got some cash in the glove compartment, take $4 as payment, we can take another picture together before I drop you off!" The young man is almost vibrating in his seat with anticipation when I finally pull into the dusty gas station. "Let's take the picture in front of the van!"

We both scramble out of the car and line up for the shot. I give him the biggest smile I can when the flash blinds me yet again. I really hope I didn't blink. These photos ain't cheap. We both watch excitedly as the film develops. Clear as day, there I am in my dirty coveralls in front of my dusty-ass van. I almost look like my dad. I pocket the new picture as we walk inside the Last Resort Gast Station. An old man is sitting behind the counter while an old woman with frayed hair stocks the shelves. She scowls at me from behind her glasses and sighs when she sees the man. Do they know each other?
"Nubbins where have you been boy? Tommy needed help with grandpa this mornin' when you up and left!" Huh, not the worst name I've heard but who is this lady?

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