Chapter 26: Babi

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I'm sitting in the bathroom now, head in my hands as I run every day of my miserable existence through my brain. It could be the stress but do I risk it? What if I am? What will I do? What will Tommy do? Will he leave me? Will he kick me out? We're not even married, god what will Verna say? I get off the seat of the toilet and look at myself in the mirror. God, I look like shit. My skin looks so pale and lifeless underneath these lights. I look like I need to sleep for a whole week with the circles under my eyes. I'm surprised Thomas still wants to touch me with how I look.

I shake my head. Can't think like that all day. It's bad for me and does me no good at the end of the day. I hear someone walking by the bathroom and poke my head out of the door. I startled the groundskeeper into clutching the front of his overalls. "Could you get Verna for me, sir? It's an...important womanly issue." His face goes pale but he nods before speed-walking away, obviously taking his mission seriously. It feels like forever when I finally hear a ginger knock at the door.

"Are you alright pumpkin, Bradley looked mighty scared?"

"You can come in, I'm decent." I see her poke her head in, her curlers still drying.

"Do you need anything, sweet pea?" I press my lips together and let out a shuddering breath as I take Verna's hand. She rubs my knuckles with her thumb and crutches down in her gown, looking at me with worry.

"I haven't had my time of the a while. I thought it was just late but nothing has happened." Verna raises her eyebrows but doesn't say anything, her grip on my hands getting tighter. She nods at me before standing up.

"I'll get my favorite doctor on the phone. He'll come to us since he owes me a favor. The dollar talks around here so no one will get in trouble. We'll keep this from Tommy until we know for certain your baby bump will take." I nod. That makes sense, I'm stressed so the baby just might not take it. No one's fault, it just happens. I feel my eyes water and my lip wobble as I look up at Verna. The older woman holds my face in her hands. "I know, you feel like a kid having a kid but you're a big strong woman. You made it to Texas all by yourself and have survived so many things. This'll feel like a breeze, sugar. Our dear Luda raised all them boys by herself, we can handle two little angels if we stick our heads together." I give her a watery smile and nod, taking a deep breath in and out. I just gotta wait for the doctor, everything will be fine.

"Thomas is in the basement right now. I told him he could clean it and use it for his projects. I told him I'd be having a guest over so he'll likely take his time" The doctor is unloading his bag onto the kitchen counter.

"The father I'm presuming?" I nod, bowing my head in shame.

"We want to keep it a secret until I know the baby will take." The doctor hums as he puts on his gloves.

"Not unusual in the slightest miss. I've seen plenty of new moms do the same. Some even wait until they can't hide the bump anymore. When you feel ready, you go and tell him. Any good man would be thrilled." I give the doctor a watery smile.

"He's such a good man. I just don't want to stress him with all this." The doctor hands me a container while he sets up the equipment.

"You sound like a sweet girl. Once we know the results I'll give you the address of some local groups in town. It's good to be around girls your age during these confusing first months. Now I'm going to need you to urinate in this container so we can know for certain. More secretive than taking blood." The man gives me a wink and I smile, clutching the cup to my chest in gratitude. It feels odd peeing into a cup but it was bound to happen at least once in my life.

I wait anxiously, my fingers drumming an uneven pattern on the dining table as the doctor performs the test privately. He said I could watch him do it but I can't handle the anticipation. The doctor walks into the dining room with Verna, both of them smiling.

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