Ch. 21 - Snapping Turtle

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Both of us stare at the pond water as it ripples oddly.

"Do you think it's a gator or a snapping turtle?" Thomas shrugs before grabbing a stick.

He waves the stick gently over the water when the beak of a giant turtle snaps it in half before writhing back down into the murky depths. I sigh, throwing my towel over a branch of the nearest tree.

"So much for swimming. No summer fun until that thing gets caught and killed. We'll try and do it tomorrow with Grandpa's old fishing gear." Thomas nods and takes off his mask, hanging it next to my towel.

"Yeah, we can still hang out if you want. It's always fun seeing snappers try and catch bugs." He gives me a small smile before sitting down on a stump with a groan. Ever since that one night his leg just ain't the same. He takes his shirt off, using the old thing to wipe the sweat off his face and neck. I feel a smile creep onto my face as I study the way his body hair makes his back muscles look more defined. I lean down and give his shoulders and back a few soft kisses before wrapping my arms around him.

"You know, we do have some privacy out here." I kiss his good cheek. "We could always make our own fun~" Thomas hums, his hands grabbing my ass as I sit on his lap. I feel the large man before me melt and sigh as I begin to kiss and nip at his neck, rubbing the tension out of his shoulders. "You always work so hard. You should let me help you relax." Thomas nods lazily as he unzips his pants, pulling out his thick cock.
All it takes is a gentle squeeze to have the man roll his head back and sigh. I begin slowly, working my hand from base to tip, my thumb pressing massaging the underside of his cock.

I gently suck on the tip, causing him to groan with pleasure. Thomas grabs the back of my hair, slowly pushing me down as far I'll go. He pulls my head up and down slowly, staring at me the entire time.

He lets me up only to bend me over the stump he was sitting on and pull down my shorts with my underwear, spreading my legs. He presses his tip into me, teasing my lips and slowly stretching me inch by inch. I feel my body melt as he thrusts into me slowly, allowing me to feel every inch of him.

Suddenly, he digs his fingers into my hips, fucking me deep and hard. I almost feel dizzy as he nearly lifts my body to use me as his plaything. With a few brutalizing thrusts, Thomas growls out his pleasure as he fills me to the brim.

I make a sad attempt to stand, only for my knees to give out from under me. Stars fill my vision as Thomas lifts me up and bites my shoulder, causing a perfect imprint of his teeth. He holds me to his chest and we both sit in silence, watching the snapping turtle eat minnows just below the water's surface.

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