Ch. 22 - Texas Battle Land

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I find myself looking for Thomas this morning. He wasn't upstairs and he wasn't in the basement. As I make my third trek across the house I catch the sight of his shadow on the porch. I gingerly open the front door to see the man hunched over, his head in his hands.

"Hey, okay?" A deep sigh leaves the man, giving you your answer. "I'll go get your paper."

I go back inside and grab his notepad and pencil off the table.

"Is he out there moping?" Mama looks out from the kitchen, drying a plate with an old rag. I nod and hold up the paper.

"Gonna see if I can turn that frown upside-down." Mama smiles and disappears back into the kitchen.

I hand Thomas the paper, he starts writing his feelings."

"Drayton and Chop aren't home." I rub his back.

"They're probably out getting in more trouble than usual since their baby brother isn't there to get hurt. They're a couple of fools when they're not looking out for you." Thomas chuckles. "How 'bout this? If they ain't home by tomorrow morning, we'll take my van and you can show me where you guys were gonna hang out." Thomas nods and squeezes your hands before standing up with a groan. I pat his back,

"You should know better than to see down on these steps. Your knee can't take your weight as good as it used to."

Sure enough by the time, the damn rooster crowed, neither of the boys had even called to check-in.

I sigh as I check how many bullets I left in my gun. Thomas wrings his hands as he eyes me.

"I promise, this is just in case they got themselves into trouble. Can't be going anywhere these days without being safe. For all we know, those two got themselves in a heap of trouble." Thomas nods. I put my safety on and give him a kiss.

"If you wanna be helpful, go get a first aid kit ready. Better to be overprepared than suffer like a damned fool." Thomas disappears from the room and I put my hands through my hair.

In my honest opinion. They're either missing for good or dead. The Texas wilderness can make just about anyone disappear into the night and there's enough scorpions to keep them out there for good. A whole day is enough time for coyotes and other vermin to pick 'em clean. I don't want that for Tommy though. He's barely moving on from Nubbins. I see him at that grave every morning. He thinks I don't know 'cause he doesn't want to worry Mama or me. GOD DAMN IT ALL. I slam the gun down on the table. I TOLD THEM NOT TO GET INTO TROUBLE. Mudding. What the hell was I thinking believing that? Drayton and Chop Top ain't the kind to go mudding. I take a deep breath and stare out the window. I don't feel much for Chop. He's a nice enough man. He's fun. Drayton needs to be okay but I just know in my heart he's stupid and hot-tempered enough to get himself killed over something stupid.

I grab my gun and head outside to meet Thomas. I push my passenger seat as far back as I can and let it lay down a bit.

"There, now you won't be breathin' in your knees." Thomas chuckles and takes a seat. We both take a deep sigh and look at each other, not a sparkle of hope between the two of you. The trip is silent but not entirely uncomfortable. I had gotten my van's air conditioning to work. Thomas points had written me the directions on his notepad.

"Tommy...are we going to that damn abandoned attraction." Thomas nods, shame written across his face. You pat his back.

"I ain't mad you lied about where you were going. You came home as soon as you sniffed out trouble. The bad news is that place wasn't even safe when people were paying to go to it. If anything Hoyt told me was true."

By the time you pull up to the old rickety Texas Battle Land attraction, the sun was getting low and the heat was finally wavering.

Shock...horror. Words could not fathom the feeling seeping into your veins as you watch what was once Texas Battle Land smolder and collapse in on itself.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK." Thomas puts his hand on your shoulder as you slam your palms against the steering wheel. Thomas looks at you for answers.

"I...I'll look around without getting too close, okay? I'll call you if I need help. Stay here in case I need first aid, okay?" Thomas clutches the small white box to his chest and nods, tears pooling into his dark eyes. I turn the safety off my gun and step out of the van.

"DRAYTON...CHOP TOP" I wait for what seems like forever only to be met with nothing. I look back at the van off in the distance and shrug. "DRAAAAAAYTOOOON"

I see a figure in the distance coming towards me.

"DRAYTON IS THAT YOU?" A squint my eyes but I can't make out who the man is with the sun in my damn eyes. I tuck my gun in my back pocket and wave my hands to the stranger. I hear him laughing as he comes toward me. He's covered in soot and his head is bleeding. He drops the chainsaw he's holding.

"I got those fuckers! I got them for what they did! Should've seen 'em!" I feel my throat drop into my stomach.

"Mister, what on earth are you talking about? What happened?"

"Those fuckers had something to do with my Sally and Franklin going missing I just know it! I showed them!" Sally? Why did that name sound familiar?

The image of the man in the wheelchair pops into your head. Oh. Oh no.

"What happened to the building?" The man turns to it and sighs.

"Some older fella tried to get me with a grenade but I got away. Lucky me huh?"

I pull my gun to his temple and pull the trigger, my ears ringing as his brains splatter across the desert.

"Real lucky..." Thomas comes running over with the first aid box in his hands. He starts looking me over.

"I'm fine Tommy, he didn't even lay a finger on me." Tommy gestures to the corpse in confusion.

"From what he said, we ain't gonna find 'em. Drayton used a damn grenade to take this place down." I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I hate to say it but god he's just so damn stupid. It's hard to feel bad...but I do. I'll feel it later but right now we gotta call someone before this causes a bigger issue." I held Thomas's hand, feeling just how shaky I am for the first time.

I put my change in the phone, waiting for someone to pick up.

"Who the hell is this?"

"Hoyt it's me. Drayton and Chop are missing. I think they're dead at Texas Battle Land. I called a fire station so steer clear of there for a while. Spread the news. Cover the tracks. Tell Mama we're taking the long way home." Silence.

"Alright. See you there." I hang up the phone and sigh.

Thomas rubs my back when I sit. I grip the wheel with a shaky sigh.

"I'm fine. I'll be fine. I just need to rest. I can't take any more of today." Thomas begins to cry silently, the toll of today weighing on his already heavy heart. I put on the radio to lighten the mood. I press my lips tightly. He's always the strong one. I can be strong for him.

"We'll have Aunt Verna and all them to help. I called Hoyt on the phone. This isn't like last time. We're not alone. I promise. I'll make sure you get time to be with them. You deserve that." He squeezes my hand and gives me his best smile. It wavers as his tears pour but it means the world to you still. I give his knuckles a kiss before starting the car.

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