Ch. 20 - Boy's Trip

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I squint at the notepad and back up at Thomas, his expression becoming bashful.

"What does that even mean? Going out with the boys? Y'all have been disappearing at least twice a week for the past month, what have you been up to?" Thomas yells at Chop Top and gestures at him and then to me. Chop Top steps forward and clears his throat.

"Nothin' funny. Just gonna go for a few rides in the truck. Go-go muddin'. Have a rrrreal cool time between us brothers." I tap my foot as all the possibilities run through my head. If the Hartmans even caught a glimpse of Thomas, he'd be in trouble. I poke Chop Top in the chest, causing him to laugh nervously.

"Alright. No funny business, no girls, and stay. Away. from. The goddamn Hartman's. Do I make myself clear?" Chop Top throws up a shaky peace sign.

"As glass." Thomas claps his hands before crossing his fingers over his chest.

"Oh I trust YOU to stay out of trouble but sometimes your brothers get too excited. Remember when Drayton convinced Chop Top to hit that hornet's nest with a stick last Sunday?" Thomas chuckles at the memory.

"Exactly. I want you to sit back and laugh at 'em when they're being stupid but don't let them drag you down with 'em. Last time that happened we were takin' thorns out of your thighs and ass for two days." Thomas cringes at that one. He got promised a trip to the fair if he jumped into a thorn bush. Thomas leans down and kisses me before following Drayton and Nubbins.


Drayton nods his head to the bed of the truck. I sigh. I wish we had a bigger car, I never fit. I mess with the chainsaw next to me. It's my new nice one Uncle Tinker got me. I'm sure we'll scare lots of people with it. I'll lay down and look at the stars 'till we are where we need to be.

I must 'ave dozed off cuz I wake up to yelling.

"WAKE UP YOU DAMN HEIFER THE CHASE IS ON!" I grab the chainsaw and see Drayton pull up next to a real fancy car on the highway. I pull the cord and watch as the spinning chain shines under the moonlight. I see why Uncle Tinker loves chrome so much. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It'll be all the more beautiful with their blood on it.

I lift the saw above my head and watch as their faces fall. They try to swerve away but my big brother is a good driver. Been drivin' since he was 10 years old. I swing down the saw on the top of their car and watch it crunch beneath me. My chain catches the open window and turns the metal into scrap. I drive my saw into the broken window and feel my heart flutter with that all-familiar crunch. I hit something human.

I hear the man on the passenger side scream as I dance in victory. My victory is short-lived as the car veers off the road and slams into the wall of a tunnel. I sit down and sigh. It seems like a waste of meat but I know I can't just bring a body home to my girl just yet. She ain't ready for that and she'll get mad anyway. I got told to stay out of trouble. Chop Top opens the tiny window to talk to me.

"What's on your mind little pig? You're usually dancin' up the night after a kill like that!" I gesture and make my girl's voice as best I can. Chop Top nods.

"I get it. She ain't like us yet but I don't wanna be on the end of it when she turns. I heard she had that house covered in brains just to save you. We won't tell, I promise. I'll, I'll even go get my records by myself with no funny business. Scout's honor!" I sigh and nod. If Chop Top says he'll stay out of trouble he'll try his best. I open my hand and make the grabbing motion. Chop Top seems confused before smiling in understanding. He hands me a walkie-talkie we stole.

"If I get in trouble, I'll ring you up, I promise. No funny business." I nod but squint my eyes at him to show he better keep his word. Just because I'm younger don't mean I won't pop him in the mouth.

Drayton pulls up to the radio tower and I lay back down in the truck bed. This should be smooth sailing from here. Just a little theft, nothing Chop Top shouldn't be able to handle. I find myself closing my eyes as the breeze manages to get under my mask and cool my face.

I get woken up by the sound of the walkie screeching to life.

"Bubba...I can't get the door open. It's on there good. Would you come in here with the saw please?" I sigh before picking up my saw. At least it was something simple.

I nearly step over the body of a young woman when I see her face. AW, MAN! THAT'S MY FAVORITE RADIO HOST! I groan before smashing the glass for Chop Top. My brother gives me a sheepish grin.

"I'll make it up to you Bubs, I'll grab you some of those love songs you like so much." I kick the foot of the dead woman. Yeah, whatever. Still won't bring back my programs. I'll have to get better at reading or somethin'. My girl is real good at that so she can show me later.

Chop Top and I walk out with about a handful of records when we see a truck pulling up to the radio tower. I throw my older brother over my shoulder and make a break for the truck. Drayton starts the car and we both wave our arms.

I barely have time to lift myself into the back before Drayton tears out like a bat out of hell. I start sweating as the truck tries to follow. I'm sure they saw me. God, I'm gonna be in so much trouble if this goes sideways. I hold on for dear life as Drayton cuts across a field. My mask nearly flies off my head when Drayton takes a sharp right onto a dirt path and turns off the lights. We can see the main road from our spot, just beyond the bushes that hide us. I feel like my stomach drops as the truck that saw us drives past us slowly. I get out of the bed of the truck and open Drayton's door. I try my best to wave my hands and grunt quietly to show him just how pissed I am. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE EASY! A BOY'S NIGHT! Drayton puts his hands on my chest and hushes me.

"What's more important to you boy sex or the saw?" My face screws up in anger. How dare he? I take off my mask and look at him, pointing to my face. I show him my blood-covered clothes, spinning to show him how soaked I was just from the first kill. I throw the mask at him in anger and both my brothers seemed shocked.

Chop Top leans over and smiles. "Listen, I get it. His girly made our house look like we painted the floors red and killed without question. She's just as much a part of our family. Plus I'm sure she told Mama about our promise by now and he'll already get in trouble for being all covered in blood. Let's just drop him off close to home and we can do what we wanted at the abandoned theme park. He got us all the meat we need anyway!" Drayton grumbles to himself.

"This girl has got you on a leash so tight I'm surprised you can even think." I chuckle and force myself to speak despite the difficulty.

" oh 'irls." I point at him with a smile. Chop Top barks out a laugh and smacks Drayton on the back. My oldest brother looks about as red as a tomato and starts to grumble under his breath. I get back in the bed of the truck and giggle to myself as they start to take me home.

"Alright now, here's a flashlight to keep the coyotes away. Home is 30 minutes down the road, just be safe and please don't cut through the sunflowers. It's too dark for that nonsense." I nod and give Drayton a kiss on the forehead. He sighs but gives me a tired smile.

"It's probably best you stay anyway. It ain't polite to make the girls take care of Grandpa while we're gone. I'm sure he don't like it either." I give Chop Top and him a high-five before turning on my flashlight and making my way back to the house. They can keep the saw for tonight.

Reader POV.

I hear a knock on the door as I'm scrubbing the last of the dishes. Who could be all the way out here?

I open the door to see a bloody Thomas with a flashlight. His mask was nowhere to be seen.

"TOMMY WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" I start looking him over for gashes. He holds my shoulders and shakes his head. He holds his hands above his head and makes a cow noise before making an exploding motion with his hands.

"Ewwww." I back up from him.

"Well serves you right for playing with roadkill. Go shower off I'll tell Mama you're home and make some sleepy tea. I assume the other boys are out playing around still?" Thomas nods. I watch him go upstairs.

"Make sure to scrub your back with that sponge stick I made you! I don't wanna see any blood matted in your back hair tonight!" I get a grunt from above before I smile.

I'm sure the boys will be fine without him. Muddin' ain't that dangerous.

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