Ch. 4 - A Talk on the Porch

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It's been a full week of the family fussing over me. I haven't been allowed anywhere upstairs since that damn concussion. Rocked my noodle pretty good. I've been banned from the meat locker by Thomas until he sees fit. Drayton sometimes takes pity on me and lets me feed the chickens. Nubbins keeps taking pictures of me with the family. Said it was "in case I actually left. I should leave as soon as Mama gives me the okay. No thumbs up, no gas, no leaving. I don't mind, it's not like I have anywhere to be anyway. I only have to write letters to my ma before the next holiday rolls up. A good few pages of loving words will keep her from worrying too much. I haven't seen my ma in quite some time...might be nice to look at the family album for old-time's sake.

"Hey, Tommy, you'd consider us friends right?" Thomas nods, lazily listening to a radio program about home decorating. "Good, I think so too! That bein' wanna see me as a baby?" I can't help but laugh at his expression. All wide-eyed. We meet at the van, Thomas seems pretty excited. I reach over into a box behind my driver's seat, pulling out a raggedy photo album. The poor thing creaks, some photos threatening to slip out. Thomas reaches for the book and I push his hands away playfully. "Wait a damn minute, Thomas. We can look at em when we're inside, there's a lot of pictures here. We can get Nubbins to look too since he loves photos."

I sit down on the couch, calling for Nubbins to come to see pictures. I hear soft thuds as the man takes the steps in threes. Once the two men settle in their chairs, shushing the chicken in the corner I open the book carefully, it's old leather creaking. Thomas sucks in a breath and Nubbins laughs hysterically at the first picture. I'm naked as can be in a wash bin, my little head covered in bubbles, face crumpled up in rage. Thomas taps on the picture of me asleep in a crib, my hand holding the finger of the person holding the camera.

"I was a clumsy kid. I remember my pa screechin and hollerin the first time I fell out of a tree, I still got the scar too." Thomas huffs and looks at me pointedly, making you flush. I still am pretty clumsy. "All right, you sass king, I see you loud and clear." I turn the page and I hear confusion.

"Why do you look like that?" The picture is me smiling nervously at the camera while covering my face with my hands, my hair completely shaved off. I laugh sadly.

"I was a real shy kid. Hated being looked at, hated pictures more. They shaved my head to avoid lice from the other school kids." Nubbins nods. Kids were gross, always spreading something to one another. Thomas stares at the picture, then me, his eyes focused. I shrug. "I only cover my face when I'm real embarrassed now. My ma helped me get over my fears as much as she could but I always found a way to ruin our reputation in each town." Thomas squeezes my hand and I feel my face start to heat, the sincerity causing my heart to squeeze. I turn the page and it's a picture of me tangled in a dog's rope, said dog slobbering all over me. Groaning I close the album.

"Enough embarrassment for now, that how much of my childhood friends are allowed to see." Nubbins laughs, saying I looked like a peanut without hair. Thomas shoves him off the couch and mumbles something, I only make out a word that knocks the air out of me. Pretty. This small word makes me slap my hands over my face in an attempt to hide the red. I uncover one of my eyes to see the crinkled eyes of a man who understands. Nubbins coos at the both of us, making a kissy face.

"Alright love-birds, let's sit on the porch and wait for Mama, she'll be home any time soon. Thomas nods but pinches Nubbins hard, causing the young man to yelp. Holding up a finger, he signals that he'll be a minute. I nod and sit on the porch swing before Nubbins can steal it from me. Nubbins just sits against the support for the overhang, looking at me thoughtfully.

"I know my word means jack shit since I'm the second youngest but I give you and Thomas my blessing." I gawk at the man, watching his smile increase every second I sit there astounded.

"Thomas and I are not dating! Besides, we both know I'm leavin' as soon as Mama says I can, it ain't like I'd be able to anyway!" Nubbins cackles.

"And what makes you think Mama's gonna give you the okay? You're the only girly she knows next to family. Plus what would be wrong with staying with us anyhow? Thought you wasn't in any hurry." I sigh looking at my hands.

"If you want me to stay so bad I'd need a place of my own, I'd still help but I don't wanna be a burden here." Nubbins shrugs.

"There's a few houses around these parts that no one alive owns. Could always use a neighbor, get this dyin' town started into somethin new." I smile at Nubbins, having neighbors that don't terrify me would be good.

"I'd be happy to. Still need that okay from Mama though, and some gas to go to that general store in the next town over." Nubbins nods.

"Since you're a peach I should warn you. Mama was talkin' about having the others meet you. She's been keepin aunt Tea away since you got hurt." I feel the blood leave my face. I just got Drayton to accept me. I wouldn't know what to do with the rest.

"Is she nice?" Nubbins nods his head from side to side, his smile straightening into a grimace.

"Aunt Tea is, but it's my cousin you gotta worry about. Tommy is adopted and she treats him like a piece of furniture." Nubbins shivers. "I know we ain't perfect but she's a new messed up." My face scrunches up before I can school my expression, startling a laugh out of Nubbins. Both of us jump as Thomas walks out with a can of peaches and a knife.

The large man sits next to me with a grunt, squishing me against the arm of the swing. His weight causes the board above us to groan. He stabs the lib of the can, drinking some of the syrup inside before passing it to me. "Thank you, Tommy." I take a big swig of the juice, humming with how sweet it is." I try to pass the can to Nubbins but he shakes his head so I take a second swig and pass it back to Thomas. "Nubbins and I were talkin 'bout me gettin' a place around here. Whatcha think?" Thomas nods his head happily, his large hand grasping my shoulder and shaking me playfully. We all just sit in silence, drinking the peach syrup and listening to the cicadas.

When we drain the last of the peach juice, Thomas makes quick work of the lid, stabbing a slice of the fruit with his knife and handing it to me. All three of us pause as the truck rides up into the driveway with Drayton and some girl in the bed of the truck, holding on for dear life. Nubbins giggles, walking off the porch. "Mama must be drivin'"

Mama pokes her head out, her face bright as can be. "Bo, honey! Lemme introduce you to Auntie Tea!".

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