Ch. 7 - Yours

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Auntie Tea and Henriette are on their way out and I find myself shaking hands until my poor shoulder starts to cramp. The cooling air and setting sun make it bearable to travel with a little one like Jedidiah. Won't have to worry about him getting heat rash. I feel myself stop in shock when Henriette thanks me sincerely for my help with the baby. She won't look me in the eyes but that's fine by me.

Mama and I don't waste another second before we start setting the table. Even if Drayton isn't home with the cake yet. It all has to be perfect or the apology won't feel genuine. Mama pulls me aside as I hear a truck rolling up to the house.

"I wanna thank you for doing so much for my boy. It means more than you know." I nod politely.

" It's only right after the scene I made during tea time."

Suddenly a cake box is shoved into my hands by a sweaty and tired Drayton. He grumbles out "you're welcome" as he goes upstairs to bathe. I immediately cut him a slice and hide it where Nubbins can't mess with it. The man brought the cake, he at least deserves a slice. I cut it so that Thomas can have the biggest slice, the apology cake is for him after all. The plates and cups are from his favorite set. Mama got it out of the attic, it was grandma's, and they usually only get it out for Thomas's birthday. I feel my body buzzing with excitement when heavy footsteps echo towards me from the stairs.

Thomas stops in the doorway when he sees the cake tea set. He looks up at Mama and then at me. He stares at me for a while before nudging his head toward the cake, his version of a question.

"I wanted to apologize with actions, because, you know...they're louder than words and all that." I feel my face flushing with embarrassment as his eyes crinkle. Suddenly his large form engulfs me and I'm lifted into a crushing hug. He squeals up a storm, waving me around from side to side. I find myself returning the call with my own cackling laugh. I bury my face in his neck and lose myself in his happiness. Luda coughs out a laugh and Tommy drops me with his own, deep chuckle before taking his seat.

Everyone eventually sits down and eats cake, including Grandpa. The cake is a little dry from being on display today but it's still delicious. I smile as I watch Thomas trace his fingers lovingly along the flowers of his teacup. Sweet pink roses with soft green leaves. Grandpa finds the energy to put his hand on Mama's, both of them enjoying seeing the youngest so carefree.

Once everyone finishes, I take the plates and forks into the kitchen, giving a small smile to the taxidermy animals mounted on the wall.


I drop the pencil with exasperation. Trying to write a letter to ask her to date me is harder than I thought. It doesn't help that I'm shit at writing but I try my best before folding it up and putting it in my breast pocket. Looking at the clock on the wall, it's close enough to dinner time that I should go and get the thawed meat seasoned and prepped.

I peek my head into the dining room to see if anyone has set the table. It's set with a slice of cake on each plate. It's exciting but who is the cake for? Must be something special! My favorite pretty plates too!'s not my birthday.

I question Bo with a grunt.

"I wanted to apologize with actions, because, you know...they're louder than words and all that." She starts shuffling her feet and turning red around the neck and ears. I stop myself from chuckling but I can't stop the smile from spreading on my face. She already apologized but this is a special treat that can't be left without a reward.

Bo blanks as I scoop her up but quickly holds onto my neck, giggling. I spin her around and feel her face bury itself in my neck. This is right, it'll always be like this, as God and Mama as my witness. I freeze when I hear my mom chuckle behind me. I quickly put down my so-very pretty crush and take my seat. The cake's frosting melts in my mouth, I grumble happily and lick the plate clean to show my gratitude. God, I love cake. Didn't have cake for a long time and now I can't get enough of it. Bo giggles and gathers the dishes, leaving Mama and me to talk.

Mama raises her eyebrow when I pat her and unfold the letter from my shirt pocket. She puts on her reading glasses and squints at my sloppy handwriting, mumbling along the lines. It startles me when she clutches the paper to her heart but she gives me a little squeal of delight that girls at the clinic sometimes did. Guess even older girls do that. I wonder if Bo makes that noise too.

"Put some little hearts, Tommy. It's a cute little touch, real nice." I nod and hunch over my paper, adding the best cartoon hearts I can make. They're crooked but Mama says they're good enough.

Just as Bo comes back, Mama leaves the room. I feel like my whole world is spinning. Like my stomach feels when I work outside too long. She just looks at me with those perfect eyes of hers. My dumb hands shake as I hand her my letter. Killing her would hurt so bad if she ran off and hated me. Maybe Nubbins would do it this time. He's a good brother like that.

I watch her read the letter, her tongue poking out slightly as she slowly reads my chicken scratch. I really need to ask Aunt Tea for some letter books to practice. I feel confused as she sits down and starts to get teary-eyed. Did I say something wrong? What does this mean?

Then she starts giggling and crying and wiping her eyes. What should I do? I make the noises I can to show I'm confused, wiping her tears with my sleeve. I didn't want to make her cry. Suddenly she hugs me so hard, it forces a grunt out of my chest. Mama and Nubbins rush in like Satan has come to take the farm but she looks at me like heaven just met God's green earth.

Nubbins gives me a glare. "What did you do ta her, you idiot!"

I shake my head as hard as I can mumbling a stuttered and slurred "no".

She stops her sniffling and grabs my face so hard I feel like my mask might just tear, forcing me to lean down to look at her.

"Thomas Sawyer, I'd love nothing more than to be your girl!"

It takes you a moment to hear the yes but when I do I can't help but pick her up and swing her in my arms. I dance with her pressed to my chest, twirling and jumping like my Mama used to with Pops. This happiness will last forever!

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