Ch. 5 - Meet the Family!

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I stick my hand out towards the robust lady, giving her my best smile. "Howdy!" Auntie Tea laughs heartily before taking my hand gently.

"Why, hello to you too young lady! Luda was right about you, sweet as can be!" My face feels flushed from the compliment. Didn't know Mama already talked about me.

"Nubbins just got done tellin' me you were waiting for me to feel better before coming over. I'm real sorry y'all had to wait so long." Auntie Tea waves her hand, sweeping away my apology from the air.

"We all have accidents, Lord knows Tommy got enough scrapes and bruises when he first started in the meat business!" I hear a grunt behind me when Thomas's shadow eclipses mine. That man was so quiet when he wanted to be!

"Thomas has been real sweet to me since I've started helping around the house. I won't be a guest for long, though! In fact, I was thinking of settling down 'round here!" Both Auntie Tea and Luda Mae light up with delight, giggling and squalling at me. Luda seems to stop with a groan.

"Before that, we'll have to introduce you to the rest of the family so they don't cause you any trouble, lord knows Hoyt and Monty are a couple of dogs when left to their own devices!" Thomas scoffs behind me, I'll have to ask Nubbins about them one of these days. Auntie Tea nods.

"For now here's my daughter, Thomas's cousin, Henriette. She just adopted, you know!" Standing behind Auntie Tea is a raggedy girl with short dark hair. Her hairless brows furrowed in a scowl. I opt to ignore the sour expression.

"Congratulations! If you ever need a babysitter, I'd be happy to help. I've always had a way with little ones!" Nubbins barks out a laugh but is shoved silent by Thomas, the scrawny man tumbling backward with a yelp. Henriette squints at me but nods.

"So who are you? You Tommy's girlfriend or something?" I squawk in embarrassment, causing all eyes to fall on me.

"No, no. I'm not nearly good enough for a man like Thomas." I wave my hand in the air, mimicking Auntie Tea. Henriette barks out a cruel laugh.

"You could say that again!" Auntie Tea smacks Henriette on the head, causing the young woman to yelp in pain, clutching her scalp.

"I DID NOT RAISE SUCH A MANNERLESS GIRL!" Auntie Tea shook her clutch purse at her daughter, waking the baby with a start. The baby wails in anguish, its little face scrunched and red. Henriette scoffs and shoves the baby toward me.

"If you're so polite and great with kids, you get them calm again!" I prop the baby's head onto my bosom and look toward Thomas in alarm, his eyes reflecting the same shock. Henriette stomps into the house as I bounce the baby, kissing its little head. Auntie Tea looks appalled and angry.

"Luda, Bo, I am so sorry. She never behaves this way, I can't imagine what's gotten into her!" I shrug as the baby quiets gradually.

"New baby stress, it can be hard attaching to the baby emotionally sometimes. My mom called it the new mama blues." Thomas and Nubbins are staring me down as I slowly dance with the baby in my arms. I flash them a smile and wink at Thomas, my smugness radiating through me like a heatwave. I lower your voice to a whisper.

"Told ye I was good." Nubbins giggles silently, cooing over the now-sleeping baby. Once the baby goes limp with deep sleep, I pass them off to Auntie Tea. My damn arms are screaming from keeping the same position for so long.

As you all begin to walk inside Luda smiles at me. "I've always wanted a girl of my own, now I got one that's good with littlins, I should count my lucky stars!" I can practically feel the love radiating off her. I smile, giving Luda a side hug.

Everyone met Henriette at the dinner table when the tea began to boil. Everyone is silent, in their own world as they watch me and Nubbins play rock, paper, scissors. After winning for the third time, it was Thomas's turn to try to beat me. After the 4th tie, Henriette slams her hands on the table.

"Can y'all stop acting like children for one second!" Thomas rolls his eyes. Nubbins giggles.

"CaN y'AlL stOp ActINg LiKE ChilDRen fOr OnE SEcoNd!" Nubbins makes his voice shrill as he points his finger at you and Thomas, causing you both to burst out in laughter, leaning on each other. Luda clears her throat loudly, holding a tray of cups with a large kettle. The three of you hush into silent giggles. Luda chuckles happily, handing out the mix-match floral cups. Naturally, Thomas gets a normal mug for his large hands. Henriette develops a smug look as her mother walks into the room.

"This house doesn't look very clean, Thomas. This new friend of yours has made you lazy! A much better woman would put you to work!" Luda and Auntie Tea look at each other as my face betrays a twitch of anger. I ball my fists under the table. I'm a guest. I gotta keep my mouth closed. "I'm sure this idiot just sits on his ass and plays with his stupid bird!" Thomas begins to shrink on himself, licking his chapped lips nervously. I feel like my heart has been shot. I feel like my stomach is full of fire.

"IF YOU haven't noticed, with me injured, it was Nubbins getting food and Thomas taking care of the house AND grandpa. Where were you in all this, eh? A better woman would have helped, adoption be DAMNED! When was the last time you even looked at Pops?!" My temper slowly ebbs away but I feel my heart drop as the words leave my mouth. Oh, that was rude, that was VERY rude. Henriette gawks, looking at her mother for defense. She finds none as Auntie Tea sips on her special blend.

"I'm sorry. This is your family, not mine. Thomas is mute so it's just not fair to speak to him like that is all. He works all day and most of the night and it just made me cross is all." Henriette still has a pinched, red face but nods slowly.

"I'm gonna go check my baby." She stands, leaving the room with a huff. Nubbins cackles madly, grabbing the sleeve of my shirt and shakes me happily. Thomas stills m breath when he grabs my other arm in comfort, giving it the lightest squeeze. Luda smiles at me in that soft, motherly way.

"You know, a woman as brave as you is deserving of my Thomas. He needs someone with a strong voice like yours!" I smile gently, your face going red for what felt like the millionth time that day.

"I doubt Tommy over here would want that, we hardly know each other. If he were ever interested he could always write me a note. I must say that any woman would be lucky to have such a handsome man." Everyone seems to gawk at such bold words. It was obvious he was handsome despite the half-mask he wore. His jaw is strong as it seems, and his dark hair curls beautifully. Thomas stands up and flies out of the room like a bat out of hell. His heavy boots cause our tea sets the shake. What have I done now? What did I say?

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